
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Squillion Day

Hello and Welcome! It is Me, Virginger, the firstest ever Squillion on the Blogosphere. Yes I am. I first appeared 7 years ago. Is it really that long?! Seven years? I still feel like a kitten.

You can go here to see my first ever appearance. Plus you can check out other posts on February 28 over the years to see updates.

With the CB site switchover the history isn't yet posted there, but over the spring and summer of 2006 my litter mates made there way across Mericky and in one case Miss Mandy, made it all the way to the UK to live with Fat Eric!

I finally got brave over the last few years and do posts on my own. Once spring gets here I report from outside for Garden Thursday. And since today is Thursday we have a brave little plant that is showing its first leaf. Poor thing is buried in snow now!

So Happy Squillion Day to one and all.


  1. That is one brave little plant and you are one sweet Squillion! xoxo

  2. Happy Squillion Day!
    We have a post up too!

  3. Well, we don't know what squillions are but we think they are pretty dang cute for fake kitties.
    Jada and Scully

  4. happee squillion day virginger and D & D !!!

    looking forwerd ta seein ewe bak outside theeze next few virginger :) !!

  5. Happy Squillion Day Virginger from Marmi.
    Mum just realised I have somehow disappeared from the sidebar. She will have to look for me and put me back in my rightful place.

  6. Happy Squillon Day! Now what's a squillion????


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.