
Wednesday, March 6, 2013


We didn't get a lot of the white stuff yesterday, maybe an inch or so. It is supposed to be getting all melty in the next few days. Maybe spring is coming.


  1. dood....nice ta talk two ewe ta day N way glad ya rememburred knot ta spill any beanz bout wear de sekrit stash oh flounder iz at in de housz... that wuz a close one !!

  2. You had a good conversation with your mum Derby. What were you telling her when she was sneezing?

  3. Derby, I could tell you were getting a little annoyed at the end because you knew your human wasn't REALLY sneezing.

  4. Haha! We think you were telling your mom to stop sneezing, Derby! I like to have conversations with my mom too.


  5. Loved getting a chance to see Derby talking with you. My mancat Cosmo would always talk with me like that. I have never seen another cat do anything like it - until today. I was absolutely sure Cosmo knew exactly what I was saying because he would not respond to any question that the answer was no. Only positive things warrented a response. I am sure Derby know exactly what you are saying to him too. Except for the sneezes, he seemed to be telling you he disapproves of that altogether. He is a smart boy.

  6. It looks like you would be very happy having your mom just pet and give you head scritches all day!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.