
Monday, March 11, 2013

ManCat Monday

I have three cats, all so loving and insistent that they play cat's-cradle with every train of thought. They drove me distracted while I was having influenza, gazing at me with large eyes and saying: O Sylvia, you are so ill, you'll soon be dead. And who will feed us then? FEED US NOW! - Sylvia Townsend


Oh Hi, yeah, we didn't get around to posting early for ManCat Monday. We could also call it melty Monday as the snow is melting away.

 Another sunless day, cloudy, but at least not raining. So we are napping the day away. Maybe later do some THoE just for fun and to give mum something to watch. She better stay out of our way!
 We did send mum out to check on things, like how much snow left on the roof. Not much and that is always the last place it goes away from. Mum says it drifts because of the patio roof and she can't get at it to rake the edge off.
 Plus with the rains we had, the neighbors have mini-lakes in their back yards between us and where the trail goes. Mum is happy the lakes are far away from our house.
 So, it is Monday. Another nap.


  1. It is melty Monday here too. We are trying to adjust to the time change around here.

  2. We look forward to melty Monday - it is still very much frozen here. It was -20°C this morning so we stayed indoors. Still, there's loads of mischief to cause inside. Keep warm and dry! Melty is nasty as it is WET.

  3. Sounds like a good plan!!! Naps are always good.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. You had us wondering there for a minute with that "three cats" reference!

    The Chans

  5. Hope your snow is soon gone! No snow here but it is very cold with gale force easterly winds.

  6. d & d....any day bee good for a nap and any reezon iz good for a nap sew this equals out ta

    naps = good !!!!

    enjoy yur day :)

  7. Can you believe we might set a heat record this week? 80's!!! We'll send it your way.

  8. Seem like you got late Spring, I got late autumn here too. Sending warm from here to melt your snow.

  9. It's melty Monday here, too, though the snow is almost gone. We have sunshine to help it along. We'll send some over for you.


  10. Most of our snow has melted away now. We're hoping we don't get anymore until next winter!

  11. If it gets any hotter here in southern California, we are going to melt from the heat! I hope spring does not get skipped over in favor of summer, 'cause I love fresh spring sun puddles!

  12. Holy moley! Look at all that snow.

  13. There are definitely SOME days to just stay inside and wait fer better outsides...


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