
Monday, March 25, 2013

ManCat Monday

Balanchine has trained his cat to perform brilliant jetes, and tours en l'air; he says that at last he has a body worth choreographing for. - Bernard Taper

No dancing for us, we are just taking it easy again today. Why not, we don't have deadlines and such. We only dance when we want to, and then we dance our own dance. 
Rather quiet around here. Mum took off with her red bag yesterday afternoon and hasn't come back yet. We have lots of noms, so no worries there. We thinks she went off to see a furiend and stay overnight.


  1. Good day for some power napping, I should think. purrs

  2. Thank cod you have each other to keep each other warm and company while your mom is gone. We bet she misses you.

  3. If you nap a real long time your Mom will probably be home before you wake up.
    Sounds like a plan to me.

  4. we hope yur mum brings ya bak lots oh sue veneerz frum her trip D & D

    couple hundred cases oh flounder wood be nice...

    WAY better than a postal card for sure !!

  5. Let's do pawty Trash !!!!!!
    But you guys have to wake up first ; )

  6. Your human has been away? That is the PERFECT time to have a dance party! Bring out Da Bird and I will show you all my best moves!

  7. You boys look very comfy there. Enjoy your nap.

  8. Well I sure hope she gets back in time for you to have a nap! Waiting up for her is hard work!

  9. Her red bag, hmmm? Lets hope she doesn't flirt with any strange kitties!

  10. Napping is a very good way to pass time especially when Moms are busy.

  11. Our Mommy loves to see you two snuggling together.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.