
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Our Hearts are Broked

We read late Monday that our wonderful buddy and fellow Gorgeous Ginger, Eric has left us and run off to The Bridge.

We are beyond sad and mum has such leaky eyes since reading the news. Below is our tribute to Eric, we will miss you big guy. Purrs and prayers to Flynn and your mum and dad.

Free in the green fields, looking for mousies. Forever free of pain. Farewell dear furiend.


  1. Yep, ours too. Our Mommy didn't need much of a reason to start leakin all over the place again. ((Hugs))

  2. Us too. Eric was such a sweetheart.

  3. Mum had a good cry tonight too. How sad to lose such a special dude.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  4. We are going to miss Eric so much. I was way too sudden and sad.

  5. We are weepy here. It is hard to think of Eric not being out in the yards with Flynn.

  6. Me and Mom are crying too !
    I already miss him

  7. We are missing Eric lots as well.

  8. So sad for Eric's brother and parents. We'll pray for them and Eric.
    Jada and Scully

  9. You are right guys he is now free to fun after all the mouse holes he can find at the Bridge.

    We are sadder than sad.
    So deeply sad.
    It still brings tears to our eyes.

  10. I was so very sad at the news and I know we will meet again one day. Run free sweet friend.. HUgs GJ xx

  11. We are beyond sad too....we'll miss Eric very much.

  12. We were all weepy, too. We had just paid him a visit a few hours before. :-(

  13. Thank you for your lovely tribute to Eric. He seemed to improve Monday afternoon and we were hopeful he might be turning the corner, but then he took a drastic downturn in the evening and we knew we had no choice than to help him on his journey to the Bridge. He is buried in his favourite sunspot by the fence. We miss our boy so much.
    Jackie, Ivor and Flynn


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