
Friday, March 15, 2013

ReIntroducing Virginger!

Well Savannah made a comment yesterday that she didn't know about Virginger! Goodness, we just had Squillion Day just over 2 weeks ago! So Savannah, here is our 'ramic beauty, Squillion extraordinaire.

Here is the link back to the Squillion Day post for more history.

No Virginger's name is not on the blog, she wants it that way. For years she rarely spoke up, she is a super quiet kittie. She just posts now and then, mostly from outside because we boys are not allowed outside!  So she gets Garden Thursday and......

Wait a minute boys! I can tell my own story! Yeah, I can speak up when I want to, so hush now and let me tell my own story. 

I took over Garden Thursday because why have two ginger mancats talk about stuff they do not know! They are not allowed outside unless they are in at PTU or the collapsible porch. So I took it over back in 2011 and haven't looked back. I even hi-jacked the whole blog for week or so when they teleported off to a party and didn't come home. We Squillion's don't seem to be able to teleport. Oh well. 

I have been here for 7 years now! Plus my ego doesn't need to be propped up by having my name on the blog. I have great self-esteem and don't need the extra paw pats on my back. You can Google my name and find me!

So below you will see me in lots of pictures over the years, so enjoy the show!

Some of our fosters that live all over the world.

Me with some of the mini-squllions that we have.

I even play in the snow.

So Savannah, hope this gives you some background on us Squillions! Thanks for the visit.


  1. I am so e,barrassed...I have been so remiss in my visits...had I read your post on Feb 28 I would have met Virginger. And I would have understood about Squillions. Purrlease forgive me...humble ears and paw pats, Savannah

  2. virginger...we likez pic sure three de best but then we getted ta pic sure.. we canna count that high... but it had FOODZ in it... sew we will go with that one two

    Haza awesum seachtain OH deireadh anda happee Lá Fhéile Pádraig
    haza awesum week oh end anda happee st patricks day

  3. So nice to hear from you, Virginger, and we love all the photos!!!

    The Chans

  4. We always enjoy hearing from you Virginger and seeing your photos. You always do a good Gardening Thursday post too.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.