
Friday, March 29, 2013

TGIF - Thank Goodness I'm Feline

Not much happening so far today. It is Good Friday for those of a Christian religion. Mum went to church last night, so decided she won't go today.

Sun is out, lots of sun puddles to nap in and our snow is disappearing! WhooHoo. So I will nap in the sunpuddle in the front window.
Mum did some clearing out again yesterday in the AM. Got rid of all sorts of drinking glasses and such. Stuff that hasn't been used in ages.
So now the cupboard is nice and neat with lots of room, and now she won't knock stuff down and get it broken like she did recently. What a mess that was!


  1. Isn't it great to get things cleared out? I love doing that-it just takes time for me to get it started but once it starts watch out Goodwill, here I come with a truck load. ;-)
    You all have a wonderful Easter.

  2. Our human has been decluttering today too, though didn't tackle the kitchen cupboards!

    Wishing you all a joy-full Easter weekend!

  3. Isn't it amazing the stuff that our humans collect?

  4. My human cleaned the litter box today - that's her most important task!

  5. Enjoy that sunshine (and the clean cupboards!). It's really cold here!

    Happy Easter!

    The Chans

  6. That is darn impressive but clutter can be fun sometimes!

  7. Mom needs to do some de-cluttering too!!

    The Florida Furkids

  8. There must be something in the air. The mom has been doing lots of cleaning and de-cluttering too.

    Enjoy your sunpuddles!

  9. My peeps are gonna start throwing lots of stuff out—at least that's what they say. We'll see. Usually the only stuff that goes is mine. If you're Mom has blankets and towels and stuff, she can donate them to the shelter like we do.

  10. Now THAT'S what my Human should be doing all righty, but instead she was all lazy-bones today and hardly did anything useful at ALL. Honestly.

  11. Our Mommy loves the feeling of cleaning out a cupboard. As long as it's not our food and treat cupboard, that's fine with us! MOL!


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