
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday Report

Mum didn't leave us for long, just overnight. She does this about once a year. Her furriends invite her for dinner and to stay overnight. The reason to stay overnight, mum says they can enjoy adult beverages and mum isn't driving until the next day.

Mum said she tried a lemon merguenge martini. She says it was OK, but rather tart! She prefers the razzberry martini instead. Mum says she got fed a wonderful dinner, this is her furiends who had her for Thanksgiving with the roasted duck, but they had pork loin instead. Plus the talked a lot!

When she got home mid-morning on Monday and working on knitting, so Ducky played with the yarn while mum worked.

So we really didn't have enough time for a decent house dance or trashing party. Maybe sometime soon she will be gone longer and we can do that. 


  1. That's a bit of a quandary, isn't it? It would be fun to have a big party, but then again, it's never fin when our people leave...

    The Chans

  2. You got have some compensation for being left! ;)

  3. I'm a long time fan of the blog, and thought I would let you know that I recently started an online clothing store which specializes in cat-themed clothes and accessories. I'm trying to spread the word among cat-lovers so if you like what you see could you put in a good word for me? :-)

  4. That's the ying/yang of our humans going away. Maybe she'll give you more time next time- ;-)

  5. D & D...we can still house dance N partee trash yur houz...any mornin ...round say 2;30 til like about 4;30 werks grate !

  6. At least you got your own little yarn party!

  7. Playing with that yarn sure looks like fun!

  8. We've read about those partying Moms. 2 drinks an they start dancing. Three an they forget about us kitties at home, so lonely and bereft of treats and scritchies. Its an epidemical!

    And worse, sometimes they return home smelling strongly of OTHER KITTIES! This national tragedy needs to be STOPPED.

  9. Mommy used to knit and we loved playing with the yarn too. We are stopping by for the first time. Hope you will come by and meet us. Purrs and Hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Finona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


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