
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday This and That

First we need to send lots of purrs to some ailing kitties. No fun when any of us are sick or having to undergo serious treatments.

First Skeezix, the Cat Blogosphers very own fashionista. He always brings a smile to our faces, but the VET is going to have to explore his insides today because of a toomer.
He even posted his Xray and interpeted it for us non-medical types. We hope that all goes well and he is back on his paws really soon.
Then another Gorgeous Ginger, Ginger Jasper, is feeling poorly again. Once before he wasn't eating much and he pulled through. So we have to get purring again that he start to eat more.

Little Isis had to see the vet this weekend too for a recheck on her bloods and clotting. Uncle Mo, Not The Mama, posted this on Facebook.

Me, Derby, well, at least I take the medicine the vet man gave mum. It is a gel and I lick it all off her finger. It tastes pretty good. Mum has only found two smaller spots where I have made a return deposit in the past couple of days. Overall, I don't feel bad.


  1. So many of our friends are not doing well, we're just gonna keep purring till they feel 100% again!

  2. I am purring for ALL my friends who are feeling poorly.

  3. Lots of purrs and prayers for our friends who are facing surgery and just not feeling well. Glad you are feeling better, Derby.

  4. We are purring hard for our pals.

  5. We are purring hard for our pals.

  6. Soo many friends feeling poorly lately. We hope all of them recover fast and we keep on purring!

  7. I am purring for Skeezy and GJ, and all my other friends who need purrs.

  8. We're purring for all our pals that aren't feeling well.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.