
Monday, June 17, 2013

Mini ManCat Monday

If we treated everyone we meet with the same affection we bestow upon our favorite cat, they, too, would purr. - Martin Buxbaum

HiYa, Ducky here. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. We did, we even had some extra mum time since she took Thursday and Friday off to catch up on things and do appointments. So we go extra cuddles and treats.

Derby got mum all mad at him. He jumped into a cupboard while mum was putting things away.

 "What? I was just checking for mousies! You know you have had mousies in here afore. Even though the pest guy was here with the all clear, I want to give the all clear too!"
 Otherwise, this was us on Sunday, napping and mum was sitting just outside on the chair. She read Max's book, "Bite Me: A Memoir". He has had an interesting life. We are happy we haven't had to do the M word or have to live with a woofie.

 Have a good week everyone.


  1. Mommy wants to read that book and we want her to sit there and hold us the whole time! MOL!

    Have a great Mancat Monday, kittehz! XOXO

  2. I think you were doing a great job checking out that cupboard, Derby! Your human is just unappreciative.

  3. Cupboards are the BEST! If you are persistent, sometimes you can open them yourself, but that usually makes the peeps say unhappy things.

  4. haza grate week D & D...N ya noe what they say... now that yur mum iz bak ta werk...when de mouz iz in de kittehs will haza slite snak til de food service purrson gets home ta cook sum perch !

  5. Your mum should have been pleased that Derby was double checking there were no mice there.

  6. We're disappointed that Derby didn't find any mousies in there.

  7. We cats do what we cats do. Gettin in laces ans poking around is part of the deal. MOL!

  8. Of course Derby was checking things out. That's part of our job! Here we even open the doors ourselves sometimes (well, on the ones that don't have kid-proof locks on them).

  9. "M" word is not fun...we can say that for sure!


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