
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Garden Thursday


Hello and welcome to  Garden Thursday with Virginger. At least this week we can upload pictures. So here is what I wanted to show you last week. 

This is two weeks ago, the flowers stalks had sprouted up on our yucca plants. This doesn't bloom every year. Maybe it has to do with rain as we had lots of rain this year. 
 The pictures below are from last week. You can see the flowers opening up and other shots of the whole plant.

 The neighbors have them too and they are blooming and still have blooms on them two weeks later, they last a long time. Mum is seeing others as she goes day hunting or driving around town.
That is all for this week. Thanks for stopping by.

Love, Virginger


  1. Your Yucca flowers are pawsome!!

    The Florida Furkids

  2. They are so lovely! Our Mommy just loves yucca.

    Happy Thursday, furriends!

  3. virginger...theeze plantz iz way awesum...we haz never seen em bee lee kewl !!

  4. Those are very pretty yucca flowers!

  5. Those sure are pretty and are really tall too!

  6. Wow! Those things are bee-uteful!


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