
Monday, July 22, 2013

ManCat Monday

Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are subtle and will piss on your computer. - Bruce Graham

I don't think we would, ahem, do our bizzness on mum's puter. If we did, we wouldn't be able to blog and let you know what is going on here.

So, what is going on here? Not a whole lot. We got cooler air, rain showers late Sunday afternoon, so lots of open windows for us to enjoy.

Mum did her chores and Derby decided he needed to help with the bed making.

Well at least she had the good sense to just leave me be and finish making the bed later. It was nice to sleep between freshly laundered sheets!

 Mum went out to eat Caturday with Miss Lynn. She brought home a box but says it is not for kitties! Says it has spicy Eye-talion sausage in it. But we did get some gooshy foods on Sunday for lunch, so I guess that evens it out.


  1. Ooh, Newton and Pierre love to help make the bed! It's a wonder the sheets are ever on straight.

  2. Bed making is such hard work so don't forget to nap!

  3. Awesome job helping to make the bed, Derby, even taking a break for a nap! It's such hard work, isn't it?

  4. Raz loves to help make the bed too!!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Mmm, that napping spot looks fresh and comfortable! Great work with helping there! Purrs...

  6. Heh. My friend Weezer peed on her person's laptop...

  7. Mom is all squee over the video saying oooh how cuuute you are!
    We say: Nice score Derby! Hope you enjoyed the great nap spot!

  8. Hi all, very cute pictures. I am giving away for free download July 24 and 25th,my Best Children's animal Picture Book #7 on It is 24 funny pictures of cats. Here is the link: Also have 8 other books on various animals givng away also. Just click on Gary Moore link on the cat order page to download the others. Hope you enjoy it.

    Gary Moore

  9. I like playing bed monsters too. Does Ducky pounce on you when you are under the sheet? Eric used to pounce on me.

  10. Hahaha! We love the way your tail was moving under the sheets, Derby!


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