
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


It is absolutely beauty-us here. Mum has the windows wide open, a gentle breeze and we are all loving it, including mum. Although mum sounds a bit off. Her voice is icky, sounds like she has been eating rocks! She is tired and while she came home late from work Monday, she was right on time today.

We know she isn't with it. She left the talking box on when she left to day hunt today. We will try to get her into her sleepy spot on time if not early today.

 See how purrty it is outsideQ
Us, in the open window!


  1. It looks really nice outside. We hope your human feels better soon. Give her extra cuddles.

  2. It's really cooled down here, too. So nice to have all the windows opened!!

  3. These are fantastic pictures! So gorgeous there. Sorry your Mom is not feeling well. You will have to sit on her and purr.

  4. Great pics! We wish we could open windows, but we has the hots. Really bad hots.

  5. Such a pretty view out your window!!!
    How nice that you can enjoy the breeze : )
    ; ) Katie

  6. I hope your mom is taking it easy and feels better soon. Mum was sick all last week and is still feeling a bit worn out.

  7. Mmm, fresh whiffies are simply the best! Purrs...

  8. I hope your mum is soon feeling better.

  9. I'm glad your weather is nice again. And we all hope your mum is better today, else you better hop on her and make her well!

  10. Hope your Wisonsin summer is keeping cool enough to be pleasant! AND we hope your Mom is feeling a little perkier today ;-)


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