
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Garden Thursday


Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. It is Me Virginger, your wonderful Squillion hostess. 

Lots of summer flowers are blooming for us, plus the weather has been nice, cool to warmish but not the hots!

 Some day lilies and mum can't remember the orinch flower name.
Some more dark colored day lilies.

Thanks for stopping by this week. Love, Virginger.


  1. We love your garden! Coneflowers are some of Mommy's faves.

  2. You have such a lovely garden I bet you get lots of butterflies.

  3. Very pretty! We think the flowers are loving the cooler weather!

  4. virginger...yur garden iz lookin grate..N we think de orinch flowerz iz de goldfish gala bulb


    hay, hope everee one haza awesum week oh end, eat plentee oh ham samiches !


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