
Monday, September 23, 2013

ManCat Monday

No workman can guild a door which shall be proof against a cat or a lover. - French Saying

We had a good weekend. Lots of noms and naps, some open windows for fresh airs, cuddles from mum. We had to snoopervise her on Caturday for moving all sorts of stuff around in the dungeon. She got all dirty, but cleaned up ok, then was all tired so went to bed early on Caturday night.

We watched the sailing and are furry bummed out that our team, New Zealand's Kiwi's haven't closed this out. They didn't race on Caturday and Sunday Larry E's team won both races. Kiwi's just need one win to take the cup, Larry four. Go Kiwi's we don't want Larry E's team to win!

Feetsball Report

The Pack - It was an ugly game and the Pack ended up on the short end of the score playing the Bengals. Mum said she figured it wasn't going to be a good day for the team. More players banged up, they get next week off.

The Broncos  - Mr Peyton doesn't play until Monday night.


  1. Ohhhh all the kiwis are getting stressed out, no one has nails anymore. Oh well, there is always tomorrow!!!

    julie and Poppy Q

  2. It sounds like a very pleasant weekend, except for all that television stress!

    The Chans

  3. glad you had a very good weekend

  4. Busy weekend! We don't watch the boat races but if we did, we wouldn't want Larry E's team to win either. Purrs...

  5. It sounds like you all had a pretty good weekend!

  6. a good caturday wuz had by all

    notre dame 56,990
    michigan state minus 55


  7. We love today's quote! Mommy says the Pack played a good game.

  8. Great weekend, great pics of you guys.

    Sydney, Australia

  9. Apparently, we need less well-guilded doors. We can never get out through ours unless allowed by TBT... GRR!

  10. Nice to know that you had a great weekend.

  11. Those are great pictures of you boys! You are both really looking good!
    And 3 cheers to Mum for all her cleaning!


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