
Monday, September 2, 2013

Mini ManCat Monday

A neighbour's cat, sitting on the wall, waiting to be stroked, brightens up an otherwise miserable walk to work. - Author Unknown

HiYa, Ducky here. Happy Mancat Monday hollyday to all of our Merikcy furiends. Enjoy the day.

Well, mum managed to not work herself too hard on Caturday. She had a nice long nap with in the afternoon. Plus she got all of her chores done, so today she can chillax' with me and Derby.

When I told you she was off to the garden store on Caturday, I did not expect her to come home with an addition to the family. Yep, she adopted another kitteh! Said he was all lonely so just had to bring him home. He was the only kitteh there. Looks a bit underfed to me.
 Mum hasn't decided on a name yet. Skinny, Scrawny, Iron Legs??? We will let you know when mum figures it out.
Plus on Sunday she came home from the food store with what she says are Mountain Lions from Colorado. Says these are the best peaches and the ones she amembers from when she was a little wafer.


  1. My human said the new kitty looks a little like me! I was not amused.

  2. We like the new kitty! Is he for in the house or the garden?

  3. What a cool little dude! Maybe name him Ironcat, like the movie named Iron Man.

  4. #1 says she wishes she could try those peaches. for her, the best peaches in the world are teh white peaches from Japan!

    The Chans

  5. We love today's quote!

    How about Ferric for a name? We have one a lot like him that lives in Mommy's baffroom.

  6. I think your new family member looks kind of cute even if he is a bit skinny :)

  7. The new kitty looks like he'd be fun to rub on. And the peach looks yummy.

  8. The new kitty is cute but definitely a bit thin.

  9. Oooh Derby - that new kitty has been sadly neglected. He is so skinny. I'm confident that you and Derby and your mum will take really good care of him and he'll be a picture of health in no time.

    Sydney, Australia

  10. That new kitty looks like he would be easy to get along with.

  11. luvluvluv the new kitteh addition and Mom Linda says "yuuummm" on those peaches

  12. our mom loves the new kitteh addition too. she wants one right now.

    emma and buster

  13. Those do look like tasty peaches, says the Human. *I* could not be less interested. The new kid needs some regular meals, I think.

  14. We know it has been some time but we did want to tell you how very much we appreciate all the kinds words of compassion you left us for over the loss of our dearly beloved Abby. We are humbled by all the support and love we received and there is no way we can tell you how much it meant to us.

    Angel Abby & Family

  15. He sure can use a few good meals. And those peaches look tasty fur a peep


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