
Saturday, October 26, 2013


We have our house back! They gave mum's key back to her this morning, so they can't come in anymore. Which means we can have the run of the house again! Woohoo. Mum has to get things organized again, she said that will take a while. Biggest thing is to be able to wash and dry the clothes; we have access to our litter boxes down there. Mum says the box in her litter box room will go away soon!

So here is a brief tour. Below, one corner of the dungeon. Steel posts to provide additional support against the pressure pushing from the outside. The gray streaks are where they patched the crack. Floor around the edges is new cement to hold the beams in place.

 The outside front, nice new dirt and rock where the new cement slab will go in. Mum will need to fluff the grass up with a rake.
The back now without the patio cover so we get light inside the house. Mum says she is going to look into getting a shade that she can put out when she wants to sit out there and not get baked in the sun. 
 A closer up look to the back, they have to put cement down here too. The guy stopped by last night when mum got home from work. The cement should be in place really soon.
We would like to say farewell to Nikita who ran off to The Bridge yesterday. Enjoy it, we will see you again some day.

We will be napping and probably bird watching from the windows. Oh, wait, we can't nap all weekend. We have to help Max, The PsychoKitty cellybrate his tenth blogoversary. It is because of him, Derby started to blog. top by and concatulate him on 10 years of snark!

Have a good weekend gang.


  1. Thank cod your mom fixed your house before it caved in on your dungeon! Can't imagine the green papers it cost. Hope it doesn't cut into your treat fund!

  2. You must be so relieved all the noise has stopped and you get your dungeon back. There will be a little more noise when the concrete comes, but that won't last long. And the best part is that now you get sunshines through your window!

  3. HURRAH for almost done...see ya at Max's!

  4. That is great you kitties are getting your house back finally! I was just at Max's and it is loads of fun!

  5. I am glad you got your house back! I have been locked up so have missed lots of things that have been happening while my Beans have been gallivanting.

  6. The house looks good. What a relief for that to be over! We'll see you kittehz over at Max's pawty. Bye!

  7. What an interesting house and yard! Hope you have some good seats for bird watching!

    Thank you for mentioning our dear Nikita, too.

    Miss Elvira

  8. A huge trauma for you and your mom. Well done on surviving. It must have been quite worrying for your mom to know that the house wasn't stable, but it seems that it's all good now.

    Sydney, Australia

  9. What a relief to have your house back again! When they finished replacing the wall to our sunroom, we don't know who was happier, us or the peeps. We're sure that you all feel the same way, too.

  10. How nice to get your house back!!

    We're really sad about Nikita too.

    The Florida Furkids

  11. We're glad you got your house back now and things will be back to normal in your dungeon. :)

  12. Dang that was a lot of work. But at least the house won't eat itself now!

  13. OMC! Where do you live? mom and Dad had a house in Ohio that had to that've those steel beams in the basement too! Hope your house is safe now! Paw pats, Savannah

  14. That was a BIG project we know all of you were glad to get your house back!

  15. So glad your world is back to normal! Nice neat job they did! Virginger will love to decorate the patio in the spring with all her pots & plants!

  16. We are beginning to appreciate the fact that our basement is mostly above ground and that the yard is sloped a bit so that water drains away from the walls!


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