
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Garden Thursday - Halloween Style


Hellooowww and welcome to the spooktackular Garden Thursday with Virginger.

While mum says they are all done inside the house. I still have stuff to snoopervise outside. They came to put the patio and front porch slabs back in.

Plus she scattered some grass seed along the side of the house. Hopefully come spring we will get a bit of new grass to be here. They did this late in the afternoon and it needs to dry, but mum should be able to walk on it by the weekend.

Plus for your enjoyment, our black halloween kitties.

Hope you enjoyed the show, have a safe halloween and that you get lots of treats.

Love Virginger


  1. It looks like your big project is nearly complete. You must all be relieved. Happy Halloween!

  2. The outside is looking good. Love the black cats. They look so real! Happy Halloween!

  3. Lots to do yet so keep up the snoopervision.
    We liked the black kitties song

  4. happee howl o ween ta everee one; heerz hopin yur trik N treetz bag be filled with mackerull, mice N pie !! N yur place bee lookin gooooood guys !!!

  5. Excellent snoopervision Virginger. Keep it up.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Oooooooo! Those are rockin' halloween cats Derby!!!
    Happy Halloween !
    Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  7. All that work is almost done. Happy Halloween!

  8. Happy Halloween to both of you and your mum.

  9. That cement place will be great fer layin on to warm up on sunny days and coolin off on on hotter days. Weerd how it werks like that, but its true.

  10. Good progress on your yard. I'm not sure about those black kitties though.


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