
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Let The Party Begin! Derby's Purrthday

It is the weekend and we are going to party today and tomorrow for my purrthday! Come on over and join the gang. We have lots of foods and drinks. Kittie under the age of one, you need to stick to water, milk or tuna juice!

We can't get to the dungeon this year because of the destruction going on, but we can have lots of fun watching them work this morning, they even woke mum up! Bright sunny day, so come on over!

I am a whole ten years old now, up to double digits! I still feel like a kitten sometimes. I still love to play and chase, but do like my down time for napping.

 So let's party hardy gang!

Plus stop on over at The Tabby Cat Club. Sunday TockTober 20 is Show Us Your Tocks Day. It will be interesting to see what the gang comes up with!


  1. Happy Birthday Derby! I am busy trying to file my way out of lock up so I can come and join you.

  2. Happy birthday, Derby! We'd love to help you celebrate, even though our useless human has hardly been around the CB for a while now. We do have a couple of TockTober pics scheduled on the TCC for tomorrow, though, she managed that much for us. :-)

  3. Happy birthday, Derby! Did you know that 10 is the new 7?

  4. Happy Birthday, Derby! Hey, I'm 10 too! And I like what Sparkle said!

    We're all here ready to party all weekend with you!


  5. All of us plus our human staff wish you a perfect 10th with many more to come!

  6. Happy Purrthday, Derby! You're a purrfect 10 in our books!

  7. If you don't mind I am coming early and staying late. Wishing you the bestest of the best birthday time and many more years of birthday to be. Can hardly wait to see all the tocks at the TCC tomorrow. Thanks for hosting that fun event.

  8. Happy Purrthday, Derby! You sure do know how to throw a pawty!

  9. Happy Birthday Derby! Nice to meet you and hope you have a great day and get LOTS of goodies.

  10. Happy 10th Birthday, Derby!!!! We're on our way to help you celebrate :)

    Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

  11. Happy happy day to you Derby.

    Sydney, Australia

  12. Happy Birthday Derby, thanks for inviting us to your party.

  13. Happy birthday, Derby! 10 is a real milestone and you know how to celebrate it with style. Thanks for inviting us to your party, and here's to lots of treats and fun for your birthday.

  14. Happy Birthday, Derby! Have a wonderful day filled with sun and treats!

  15. Happy Purrthday Derby and many more! We brought the special shoes for walking on the ceiling...if that's okay with your mom.

  16. Happy Birthday Derby! This is an excellent party and TockTober Day is a great way to celebrate it!

    The Florida Furkids

  17. Happy birthday, Derby! Great party!

    Ten is pretty good--I'm 10, too!

  18. Happy Birthday, Derby! We se your Pawty is still going, you really have quite the spread. Here's to the next ten can do it!

  19. Happy 10th birthday, Derby!

  20. Happy Birthday, Darby. Looks like a fun party.

  21. Happy Birthday Derby! And you know what? I was ten earlier this year! We're the same age I think.

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DERBY! Looks like quite a party. We just have to check whether our transporter is working properly, and we'll be right over!

    The Chans

  23. Dang, I missed that pawty but at least I get to tell you Happy Birthday Derby!!!

  24. Whew! We finally made it! Happy Birthday, Derby! Quite a spread you got here and we're digging right in, helping you celebrate!

    May all your wishes come true, along with tons of birthdays in the years ahead!

    Tinker, Angel Tom, Anastasia, Chopin and Mom Julie

  25. DERBY! My good ManCat! I am sorry to be a day late (the Human is just hopeless these days) but since the pawty seems to be going on all weekend, I hope I am not toooo late to say Happy Birfday!

    The Human keeps trying for a good tocks shot, but I have not been every cooperative. I still have 11 days though!

  26. Happy Birthday Derby!!! What a party!!! Charlotte is on a diet but cyber party fare is great for weight control. Let's party!

  27. Happy Birthday Derby! I'm not sure that I've commented on your blog before, but I have seen it. I've posted on my blog a picture of my tocks and one of my sister's. -Lily Le Mew

  28. Happy birthday! hope you had tons of fun! Thanks for hosting the Tocks party. LOL! seeing all those cat butts, I couldn't help but smile!

  29. Happy belated Purrthday, Derby!
    We learned about your bloggie on the Island Cats' bloggie and we are glad to meet you =^.^=

  30. Oh Derby!!!!!
    Dear friend many Happy Birthday blessings to you now and for years to come!!!!! -S&S

  31. dood...we iz knot a loud ta play on line on de week oh endz N sum times even fry day sew bee lated best fishes N happee birthday wishes two ewe...hope ya hada soooper grate awesum day; hope ya getted lotz oh cake N mice creem, treetz, nip, toyz, hope ya feasted on flounder, mackerull, toona, pie, cake, dounts, pizza, sghetti, burgers, perch, salmon, bloo gill, shrimpz, sea bass, herring, snapper, ham samiches, N we hope ya getted a new cat tree witha full lee stocked fridge attached !!! heerz ta 900 mor !!~~~~~

  32. We hope you had a happy birthday, Derby! Mom sent a birthday wish on Caturday via FB, but we had to stop by too.
    your bud Pepi and the rest of the Hotties

  33. Happy Birthday Derby! What a good party and to have all these fine ladies showing their tocks!
    Your Pal Timmy


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