
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Litter Box

The Island Cats asked about where we got our high sided litter box. Mum said it was a place near here called Fleet Farm. Fleet Farm sells all sorts of stuff for pets, farm animals, the house, toys, some foods and clothes too.

Well mum didn't want to get down on the floor to look at the label. But then this week mum saw it was in their ad this week on sale. It shows the manufacturer is IRIS. So that is where we got the box. Mum likes it too and figures it is time to replace a few of our boxes in the dungeon once we can get back into the dungeon.

Work is progressing. Mum is guessing about 60% done and they might be done by the end of the week! We can't wait.


  1. It doesn't look like the workers are disturbing you too much!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Binga is a litter flinger - we could totally use that!

  3. Heh.....even before she read what you wrote mom saw the picture and said "that looks like a Fleet Farm ad."
    We have one nearby...she might go check it out.

  4. We suggest just continue sleeping in your beddies. That is the only way to deal with things like this!

    Sending purrs and patience your way. XOXO

  5. Hi boys...You look deceptively sweet and innocent there in your little matching beddies.

  6. We have never used a litterbox with a cover and wonder what it would be like.

    We hope that wrk gets done as quickly as possible.

    The Chans

  7. That's a good price on that litter box! We have both low-sided and high-sided boxes. The high-sided boxes are just blanket bins, which seemed more economical than the high-sided litterboxes the head peep had seen in the past, but that's just as good a price.

    We wonder if we have Fleet Farm here... or in Atlanta where the head peep is visiting soon.

  8. It's good that you're out of harm's way, boys!

  9. boys you look so comfy in your beddie. so adorable that you sleep side by side.

    emma and buster

  10. doodz...knot ta worree..virginger haz yur backs !!!

  11. Thanks for posting about your litter box. The mom googled IRIS and found out she can order it through Amazon. She may do that because Zoey could use a high sided box.

  12. So you like the floofy 'tocks, eh? Heh heh. They *are* special!

  13. I have a litterbox with a cover and I think it very good.


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