
Monday, October 7, 2013

ManCat Monday

If cats didn't fight, we'd be neck-deep in kittens. - Sandy Parkinson

We love kittens. We have four new members of the CB over at Colehaus Cats. They arrive on Caturday night, with mama Erinn Zuzu Niblet giving birth to four cutie pies. Including a ginger!

If you haven't been over to visit, do so an be ready to sqeee!

Derby moving in on Ducky for the front window perch. 

 Yeah it is a bit crowded but taking advantage of the morning sunshine.
 Derby settled down and them mum got a nice picture of us both.

Mum was happy for a decent day after it rained on Caturday. She has been souper busy moving boxes in the dungeon and today she was moving all sort of things around outside. Digging up plants from one place and putting them in a different place. We thinks something is happening, but not sure. Mum assures us we is not moving!

Feetsball Report

The Pack - coming off their bye week and playing their first in division game against the Deetroit Lions. Thankfully the big receivers for the Lions didn't play and the Pack won 22-9. The Lions are winless in Whisker-consin for the past two decades! 

The Broncos - they were not tamed by the Cowboys. It was a high scoring game with The Broncos winning as time ran out with a field goal. Mum's favorite play was the touchdown where Peyton was sneaky and bootlegged it into the end zone all on his own. 

Have a good week everyone. 


  1. That is a nice portrait of the two of you!

  2. The kittens are adorable. I was going to tell you I had my Tock-Tober picture up but you beat me to it!
    The portrait of you and Ducky is lovely.

  3. Lovely pictures, indeed! And I love the quote too!

  4. Good to see you both enjoying the sunshine together.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. What a great spot to enjoy a little sun!

  6. Mommy says we has to start getting our greenhouse ready, we thinks all this moving stuff around is cause of FALL.

  7. doodz...we loves pick sure....way awesum...heerz ta a grate week two ewe both az well..

    notre dame; rooling championz oh de werld: 98,252

    arizona state... HA HA HA Gleek coz we noe ewe iz knot over heer on blogger two day :) !!!!!!

  8. How nice of you two to share the window.

    We saw the baby niblets and they are the cutest!

  9. Hi. Thanks for stopping by!

    I look forward to gettin' to know you better:-)

  10. They are "Squeeeee" little kits!
    Such a nice picture of you both at the window, sharing nicely!

  11. Happy Tock-Tober! Just love this month!!! Love the photo of you two. What cuties you two are. Will head over and check out the new kitties.

  12. Happy Tock-Tober! Just love this month!!! Love the photo of you two. What cuties you two are. Will head over and check out the new kitties.

  13. Happy 'Tock-tober you handsome guys! We are honouring the month over at our bloggie today, and there are plenty more shots to follow before November arrives.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.