
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blogoversary Number 8

Yeah it was eight years ago today that I, Derby the Sassy Cat, first ventured out on the innerwebs and made a post. I had been inspired by Max, The PsychoKitty to open up my life to the rest of the world.

It took a few weeks of find other kitties and them finding me. The Cat Blogosphere was so much smaller way back when. We could visit every blog, every day, comment, and even go back to recheck comments. There are so many more now, we can't even keep track of everyone. 

It has been an amazing journey and lots has happened. Ducky joined a few years ago. We have gone through the loss of our Grampie and so many of our kittie furiends running off to The Bridge. Some of our kittie furiends have also lost their beans.

We cherish the friendships we have made, kittie to kittie, even some of our beans getting to know each other.

No big party, just a quiet satisfaction of the camaraderie that we share.


  1. Aw, what a sweet post! Happy anniversary!

  2. We agree - a very sweet post. Congrats on 8 years of blogging.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  3. Happy Blogoversary, Derby and Ducky!!! :)

  4. Happy Blogoversary. 8 years is most awesome and we tip our tails to you in respect to your commitment and experience. Having seen the blogosphere grow so huge and being part of it at the start must be very satisfying. Proud purrs to know you!

  5. What a beautiful post! Eight years is very impressive and we commend you for continuing to blog all this time. We are always saddened when bloggers suddenly vanish.

    To the next eight years!

    The Chans

  6. Happy 8th blogoversary! That's a long time to keep blogging; kudos to you all!

  7. Happy anniversary. Congratulations to you and your mum for the discipline and creativity required to keep blogging so consistently over such an extended period of time. Fabulous effort. Long may it continue.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Happy Blogoversary! We love having friends so close to us.

  9. Concats on your Blogoversary !!!

  10. Happy Blogoversary!! We remember the days when we could visit everyone too. The CB has really grown! If you feel like partying, stop by our blog - it's Raz's Gotcha Day!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. A big tip of the Good Cats' hats to you on your red-letter day. It's been our pleasure to know you for much of that time.

  12. Happy 8th Blogoversary!!!
    You are right, a lot has changed over the years. We have only been around for 6 years.
    We wish you lots more posting and a wish that you have a wonderful day!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  13. Happy 8th Blogoversary to you!!!!! Here's to lots more years to come.

  14. Happy Blogaversary! We've always loved reading your posts. Here's to many more!

    Oh, and Mommy says: GO BEARS!

  15. A very happy 8th blogoversary. Our 8th was in August, so we've both been blogging for about the same time period. Amazing the transformation

  16. Happy 8th Blogoversary! Yes, a lot has happened over the years.

  17. Happy quietly satisfying Blogoversary the 8th guys...

  18. Happy Blogoversary, guys. Here's to many more years of blogging and furiendship.

  19. You followed right on our tails!
    Happy Blogoversary!

  20. Happy big 8, boys! We love your post and my mom says that's her favorite picture of you two!

  21. Hey guys, happy blogiversary. Here's to 8 more years!!

    Yeah, TCB sure has changed a lot since we all began blogging. We still love checking up on all our friends even though we don't keep up like we used to.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.