
Monday, November 18, 2013

ManCat Monday

When dogs leap onto your bed it's because they adore being close to you. When cats leap onto your bed it's because they adore your bed.

First, we hope that our kittie furiends and their beans are all OK after the nasty storms this weekend. We had rain, wind, thunderbooms but no damage here. 

We love mum's bed. We join her regularly to play and snooze with her.

So with or without mum we like her bed!

Feetsball Report

The Pack - starting their third string QB and the third different starting QB in the past three weeks, they didn't get past the Giant guys out east. Mum watched, didn't get upset or yell at the moving picture box. First three game losing streak since 2008.

She doesn't expect them to have much of a season this year. Although the last time she felt this way, three years ago, that is when the went to win the Stouper Bowl. So the fact that mum is down on them, maybe that is good?

The Broncos - played on Sunday night against the Chiefs, for first place in the AFC West. We know mum isn't going to get through this game. She has already nodded off twice so we are sending her to bed. Right now our fav Mr Peyton and the Bronco's are winning.


  1. Can we adore both? We love sittin on the warm waterbed fer sure, but we also love snugglin up close to TBT when he is in it.

  2. The bed is pretty awesome, but you rarely find Binga and Boodie there without any humans! Me, I'll use it without.

  3. I came to say thank you so much for the visit with loving comments when we lost our sweet boy. So appreciated and helped us so much. Hugs Carol x

  4. Are you sure the bed isn't yours? Everything in the house belongs to us kitties. Just sayin...

  5. i think you already called dibs on the bed, it's very nice of you to let your mom use it sometimes.

    Emma and Buster

  6. glad everee one bee aye oh kay D & bee vizshuz heer two but thanx full lee nothin crazed bad...

    feetz ball ree port

    we iz hangin R heads...noe championz ship bowl thiz seezon :(

    may bee next yeer !!!

  7. We agree with you that beds are excellent!

    We don't know ANYTHING about football, or soccer, or rugby…

    The Chans

  8. You both look so content on your mum's bed.

    We had storms last night. But no damage, thank cod. Now it's just really windy!

  9. When we heard Wisconsin was involved we thought about you. We always worry about the displaced, frightened, and lost animals after terrible storms like these.

  10. Sharing the bed with your mum is the best! Napping there when she has got out is pretty good too.

  11. Happy snoozing you two! Big bes sure are fun!

  12. The big bed is ours. We just let Mom and Dad use it at night.



Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.