
Monday, December 16, 2013

ManCat Monday

Lovingly administer the pill prescribed by the vet and the cat will bite you to thank you for your pains. - Author Unknown

Happy Monday guys. Mum is off to day hunt again, like she should today. Said this will be a full week of work, then the next two weeks she will be home more becuz of the holly-daze.

Mum did not get us anything at the Christmouse Market on Friday. Said they weren't selling kittie toys. She did she someone with lots of peacock fevvers, but they weren't selling them. They were just for show.

However, we are getting a prezzie and it is in this box. Mum had to carefully move it inside and then from the front door into the dining room.

 So we checked it out and this is where the box has sat since last week. Mum says she will open it for us next weekend or maybe wait until Christmouse eve to open it for us.
 So we know we are getting something, just not what.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - went to to play them Cowboys and OMC! The Pack was way behind halfway through the game 26-3 and came back during the second half to win 37-36. So again this week there is joy in Packerland.

The Broncos - played back on Thursday and losted. That is OK, they are already into the playoffs.

Just a bit over a week to Christmouse, we is getting 'acited and can't wait to find out what is in the big box and what goodies our Secret Paw sent too. 


  1. Oooo! That is a BIG box! I hope you get to keep it, along with whatever is inside it!

  2. Wow, that looks like a big box. What could you have gotten that needed such a huge box? Do you think it is cases and cases of cat food?

  3. Holy carp! That big box is for you two? It looks very heavy. Wonder what it could be.

  4. That looks like a pretty exciting box! We can't wait to see what's in it!

    The Chans

  5. A box that size is very exciting indeed. I'm looking forward to finding out what's inside.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. As long as there's no DOG in the box, boys!

  7. That is a very big box! I wonder what can be in it.

  8. We can't wait to see what's in that box!

  9. You mean the pressie ISN'T the box itself...there's MORE inside!?!???

    We bet you can't wait for Catmas!

  10. The box by itself would be a great gift! We can't believe there is more!

  11. Wow, that's one big ole box!
    What was in it, Santa Clause?


  12. oh Cat!! I just don't like to wait! What is in that box???

  13. that's a big box - we bet it's a fantastic pressie!


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