
Saturday, March 8, 2014


Hi everyone, we actually thing spring might be getting closer. First it has finally gotten a bit warmer and melty. Plus the fevvers are going nuts, flying and chasing each other around. Less survival mode, come to the feeder, eat and go back to the "wam" shelter of the pine trees. The flying around makes it it fun to sit in the windows and watching them. Mum is watching the goldy finches to see when they start to change color, not yet! No spring birds sighted yet either.

This is us today just before the post, just hanging out, enjoying mum being around, sunshine coming in the windows.
This is the other day when mum came home from day hunting, the sun has moved around so that it is coming into a window and it comes all the way into the moving picture box room where we sits a lot.
Plus mum has been going around hiding the hour in the clocks. She says she thinks she has them all set, except for the ones that hide the hour on their own.

Have a great weekend every one, Happy Caturday.


  1. We are glad you all are getting a break and it is not so cold.

  2. Lisbeth says thank you so much for noticing her today on the CB Calendar and dropping by. Even though we had three more inches of snow yesterday, spring is in the air here as well. It is supposed to get up to 72 degrees F by Tuesday before dropping back to highs in the 40s and 50s. Today we are enjoying our catio. Yippee! Have a great weekend. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. Spring is definitely on the way! Unless you are in a parking lot and notice the 10 foot piles of dirty white stuff.
    The goldfinches aren't gold yet here either (CT).
    At least there's inside sunbathing.

  4. I hope spring is finally coming for you kitties!

  5. A lot has melted here too...and the birdies are going crazy. Thank cod the mom filled the feeders!

  6. We're so glad to hear that things are thawing out for all of our friends up north!

  7. Keep warm you guys!

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Hope spring hurries up and gets there!

  9. Spring has to arrive some time! We hope you have seen the last of the brutal cold weather.
    Early breakfast tomorrow...hurrah!

  10. We're ready for spring, too!
    Hope you kittehz get to enjoy some sunshine on your Easy Sunday.


  11. Here the LOUD ROBINS are back, especially early in the morning. I think they all need watches.

  12. I think Spring is getting here too. We have had 2 sunny days in a row. The daffodils and primroses are flowering and the Spring heathers are in flower too.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.