
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Garden Thursday - First Day of Spring

Hello and Welcome to our first Garden Thursday for 2014. It is I, Virginger, the lovely resident Squillion here to guide you through the garden season here.

Today, March 20, 2014 is the beginning of astronomical spring, when the sun is directly over the equator as the earth moves around the sun and the northern hemisphere tilts more to the sun. The sun hits that special spot this year at 11:57 AM Central Daylight Time or 4:57 PM GMT for those of you who play that way. You can use this converter here to figure it out for your correct spot.

While it still isn't super warm and all.  I have been outside for at least a little bit on a sunny day with mum. But first she had to find me in the metal monster room. I wasn't where she expected me to be in the warm cabinet. I was up where I could see what is going on!

 Do you see me???? I am hiding in plain sight. Yep, sitting next to the baskets and roll of chick-hen netting.

 Friday afternoon and below Sunday afternoon. Lots of snow went away in just these two days.
Even though on Sunday morning we did have some white flakes flying around!

 Here I am on the post, you can see mum's shadow in the snow! I even went to sit on the snow, but man, that made my butt cold. I got off it and went back inside.
We do have a slight suggestion of something growing where mum put some flower bulbs out last fall after they were done with the dungeon project.

So mum went out on Wednesday to take a few more pictures of how things have changed.
 The no snow zone now runs all the way from our driveway through the neighbors yard to the big pile next to their driveway.

On the other side this is getting thinned out too, lots of no snow zone.
 More of the bulbs sticking out and beginning to grow. Oh happy day, we will have some flowers soon.
Happy Spring everyone.


  1. Happy Spring! We hope you have it look more like spring soon! Thanks for stopping by our blog!

  2. happee spring virginger !! nice two see ewe again after de looooooooooooooooong winter...hope ewe haz been ay oh kay N sorree yur mum stixed ewe next ta... BURD wire...


  3. Happy Spring! Here's to no more snow for you guys!

  4. Starting to look promising in your yard!

    Sydney, Australia

  5. I am sure you are glad to see that snow going Virginger. so you can get back out in your yard and get your gardening done. It is nice to see the bulbs coming up.

  6. So nice to see you, Virginger! Happy Spring. We look forward to all your future garden posts.

  7. Your snow is melting nicely! We hope it's all done for the season.
    Happy Spring!!!
    : )

  8. We sure hope Spring moves in completely soon!

  9. Virginger what a nice tour you gave us; good luck with the newly growing flowers...we luvluvluv to see them when they just start to show up...a miracle

  10. Wow, you do have great meltage there! It is proceeding slowly here. There are some rings of grass around the trees but it is still real deep in places. Good to see you Virginger! Sioux sends greetings.

  11. Can't wait to see your flowers bloom! We don't have a yard or garden, so our human can't plant anything outside. And pepper eats anything that looks edible, so our human also can't plant anything inside (except a little palm plant that pepper cannot reach). -Whipple and pepper

  12. Oh FINALLY!!!

    Hurrah for you, Virginger, getting to show of Spring, at LAST!!!

  13. pee ess: we loved the blanket your Mum made for Mom Lynn!


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