
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, This and That

 We got a nice card from Shaggy and Scout for sending them toys and the blankie to their mum. It got cold again, so they will need that blankie.
 Mum got forgetful and didn't put the soup she made Sunday into the big cold box. So over night some gremlin pushed it off the kitch-hen counter and made a mess. We had a nice time licking up the broth and eating some of the chick-hen pieces. Mum got it all picked up before she went day hunting, then when she got home she washed the floor and rugs.
 Yep, we got snow on Monday night. Not much but mum said it was a really slickery drive to work but arrived slowly but safely.


  1. Good to see you got the card! We love the blankie and helped cuddle with mom today while she read on her Kindle thing.
    Ohhhhhh.......good whapping on the soup! Broth...*slurp* Mmmmmm.
    Yep, we're in for more snow & cold. Yuck!

  2. We're happy that we didn't get the snow they were saying we would get. We got some flurries...but it didn't stick much. Now if it would only get warm.

  3. I LOVES it when foody things *fall* on the floor...

  4. Bet that soup was yummy! What a nice little surprise for your mom to wake up to. MOL

  5. We can use some snow over here! It's toooo hot here... It's officially summer.

  6. MOL, that soup, boys! Fun for you, I bet not so fun for your mum, especially on a hunt day. I think you'd better be on your best behavior for the rest of the week!

  7. We gots the snow on Tuesday! That soup looks really good and it sounds like you picked out the best pieces. Too bad for your mom though . . .

  8. You need warm weather sometime this year! We had some last week so we'll send that right over. Can't help with that soup though. Purrs....

  9. doodz...even tho de B werd a peerz in yur post...chcikn burd...we iz crackin up bout de soop on de floor !!! GOOD ONE :)

  10. That naughty gemlin. Just as well you did your best to clean up the mess for your mum.

    Sydney, Australia

  11. We have gremlins, too. HahaMeow!

    Hope you kittehz start getting some spring time weathers soon!

    Happy Wednesday!

  12. We got some snow too, but most of it blew away. Still some hefty piles yet to melt. The forecast is for warmer temps soon...yippee!

  13. Wow! Soup on the floor! Tons of licking up to do with soup on the floor!

    Thank you for the lovely words about our ginger boy Obi. We miss him tons.

    Luf, Us and Maw


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