
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hug Your Cat Day

We hopes mum finds her way back to give us a hug today. She has brought out her red travel bag far too often in the past weeks. She is just gone overnight, but not on the weekends for racy car stuff.
Derby checking out the bag, yep there would be room for two in here, just fine!
Turning on the laser, not liking the fact that the bag is sitting by the door, almost ready to go.
Derby all comfortable, just zip me in and let's go together mum!
See the kittie back on the bench? That is mum's MouseBreath bag! All packed up with other travel goodies!

Come back home soon mum!


  1. A big hug to the two of you on this special day.

  2. Happy Hug Your Cat Day!
    (if they'll let you)
    ♥♥Angels Abby & Gracie♥♥

  3. I'm surprised you guys didn't get to go - you totally look portable!

  4. We hope you get some hugs today!

  5. What is your mum up to? She should be at home hugging you guys!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. I need to try dat when I see my momma pull out her travel bags!

  7. I hope you two got hugs today too!

  8. Hope all cats get their hugs today, including you two.

    Emma and Buster


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.