
Monday, June 2, 2014

ManCat Monday

Cats love cat haters because cat haters don't pick them up and talk baby talk to them as they cuddle, pet, and squeeze the life out of them. Cats particularly like people who are to them because then they can rub against their legs without being bothered. Don't bother to pretend you like cats to keep them away; they can tell. - Andrew Frothingham; Tripp Evans

We had a nice relaxing weekend, and do did mum. Other than to go get some foods to eat, she was home all weekend.

We all napped, ate well and just chilled out. Mum read two books and started on a third on Sunday. The moving picture box wasn't on much either. Now that it is summer, mum spends her time sitting outside in the evenings, not in front of the box. Although that means we can sit on her, we just get to watch her from the big windows that go to the floor.

Have an interesting week everyone!


  1. I love that quote - and how hilarious a cat-hating human would try to trick us by pretending to like us. They can be so convoluted!

  2. Nothing like reading a good book with cats sleeping around you! Ah, that is the life.

  3. Sounds like the purrfect weekend to us!

  4. Sounds like a pretty good weekend, kittehz. Our Mommy loves to read, too. She does it indoors. We have mosquitoes and she hates them.

    Have a wonderful Mancat Monday, handsome boys!

  5. We love that quote! We always detect the cat-disliking person in the room and go right to them.

  6. Sounds like you had the perfect weekend.

  7. doodz...nothin wrong with chillaxin thatz for sure...glad ya getted sum ewe N mum time in....hope yur week a head izza grate one.....tell virginger see ya thurzday !

  8. Good weekend, should be a good week. Dad is going North with his buddies Thursday to Sunday so we will be helping mom do whatever she wants to do, sleep whenever she wants to sleep, all that fun stuff.

  9. Mommy thinks polishing of two books sounds like heaven!

  10. A great weekend for all!

    Sydney, Australia

  11. Don't worry, fall weather will be here soon enough and you can catch up on all your box programs then. Hope you get good summer evening whiffies! Purrs...

  12. What a good weekend you all had!


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