
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger and Glimmer. Well it has been a bit cool and rainy again. Some winds too, mum got home really late on Monday from day hunting, part of it was work, part of it was waiting for the crews to shove the tree off the road.
Our butterfly bushes continue to bloom. The red one on top, the purple one below. But mum hasn't had time to watch for the butterflies!
The mid summer staple, the day lilies are starting to bloom as well. They provide color for lots of weeks.
Then mum being silly. She bought a bird house in the shape of a cat's head. As you can see, some birds have moved sticks and stuff inside. But no bird has really called it home!
We are looking forward to the holly day weekend. Mum says we are going to take lots of naps! Whoohoo.

That is all. Love Virginger and Glimmer.


  1. Your butterfly bushes have the prettiest flowers! Enjoy your long weekend!

  2. Yippee for beautiful summer flowers! Gorgeous butterfly bush! Our daylilies have begun to bloom too. Quint's decided he likes those this summer. Purrs...

  3. I hope you get lots of butterflies! In between naps, I mean. :-)

  4. meowloz two ewe V & G....yur garden iz lookin awesum... N frank lee we think yur mum shuld mewve de...we willna say de B werd...houz...INTO de houz...N her can put it by de fridge.... N then D & D can put a note in de mouth that reeds...FEED DE KITTEHS !!!!!!

    happee week oh end N heerz ta bonito flakes, bass N bloo gill ♥

  5. My mum loves the bird house. I wish the birds would go in my mouth if I sat there with it open.

  6. What a fabulous bird house!

    Sydney, Australia


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