
Monday, July 21, 2014

ManCat Monday

Cats and monkeys; monkeys and cats; all human life is there.- Henry James

Hope you all had an easy and wonderful weekend. We did. Mum was around, so we got our loves during the day. Mum did chores, inside and out. Some major stuff outside, but we will let Virginger and Glimmer fill you in on that on Garden Thursday. 

 Me, Derby the Sassycat, king of all I see, sitting on the top of the tower. If I sit here, I am at the height of mum's head!
 Ducky, pinning her down while she rested from working outside and before she got ready to make dinner. Something delish for all of us!
 A funky looking eggy plant with streaks in it, not the typical solid aubergine! Yep, I know big words like that! Mum also tried out grilling zoo-key-knee!
 Everything on the hot grill just starting to cook. Oh that piece of beast grilling, that does look nice. We better get some!
 All done and on the plate inside, just a purrfect medium rare for all of us.
 Both of us being nice and waiting for our bits on the windows ledge by the table. Mum won't give us any if we get our paws on the table while she eats.
 Nom, nom, nom!
 Ducky nomming his piece away too. Mum gives us a decent size piece but not really big.
 Piece number two.
 Can I swipe Ducky's second piece? Nope, the runt got to it.
 But we both got a third piece. Just delish, mum says it was a good meal, although she wasn't that enthused with the zoo-key-kness.

Everyone have a wonderful week!


  1. You lucky boys, getting some of that fresh meat! My human's boyfriend needs to grill salmon again!

  2. We are ALL dribbling over that steak...including Mommy!

  3. That looks very tasty. Glad you both got some of the grilled beast.

  4. How nice to have your own personal chef!

  5. doodz....ya dunno how thanx full we iz ya wuz knot eatin...BURD....glad mum shared N heerz two a burd free, flounder filled week a ahead !! ♥

  6. doodz....ya dunno how thanx full we iz ya wuz knot eatin...BURD....glad mum shared N heerz two a burd free, flounder filled week a ahead !! ♥

  7. We DO admire the cooked cow more than the cooked plants! An speaking of cow, we all got some cow nibbles tonight ourselfs.

  8. Well done on scoring some grilled beast and being so well behaved about it.

    Sydney, Australia

  9. Well done on scoring some grilled beast and being so well behaved about it.

    Sydney, Australia


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