
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Garden Thursday - Patriot Day

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Viringer and Glimmer.

Today will will honor those who lost their lives on this day 13 years ago. Mum said it was a sad and scary day. Here are pictures of a local tribute including a part of a beam from one of the towers.

Purrs to all who need comfort on this day. Purrs to those who serve and have served our country to keep us free.

Love, Virginger and Glimmer


  1. We add our purrs to yours.

    Spyro and the Gang

  2. What a wonderful local tribute.

    We will never forget.

  3. It is still hard to wrap one's brain around. How hard this anniversary must be for the families of those who were lost.

  4. We don't like this day. It makes our mom very very sad.

  5. It was special ta see those pictures we have never seen before. Thank you... We are remembering too.

  6. Too late to not buy a Dell--she already did. This one expired after three+ years, but her older one is 8 years and still boots up all right, though it's slow and creaky!


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