
Monday, September 1, 2014

ManCat Monday

Some people say that cats are sneaky, evil, and cruel. True, and they have many other fine qualities as well. - Missy Dizick.

Well, first we can snuggle up with mum today since she won't have to go day hunt. She has been furry bizzy the past two days outside. So Virginger and Glimmer have been bizzy snoopervising her.

 Ducky helped with the snoopervision. Or maybe snoopervising the snoopervisers.
 Hanging out in mum's chair. She sat her lots reading, at least she did that when she wasn't outside getting all hot, sweaty and stinky outside.

Plus while she was sitting there she saw the end of a black kittie tail. She popped up out of the chair and grabbed both of her flashy boxes. The quick picture one and the one with the zoomer lens.
 No black cat but a pretty tabby with white socks and bib. It stopped and sat down and then got up and came over to mum, sniffed her fingers. Then mum got a quick little touch before it exited through the gap by the back gate.

Mum says the tail looked cool. A total black tip but with white sections on the bottom. All stripey and such. It never raised its tail, so not sure if a boy or girl cat. Mum says it looks all healthy, so maybe just out for a Sunday stroll through the neighborhood. 
 So we hope mum plans to take it easy today, she already did a lot this weekend. We will try to sit on her to purr and make her rest. Hope our Mericky furiends don't labor on Labor Day.


  1. What a good looking kitty! S/he does look too well fed and healthy (and friendly) to be a stray.

  2. Snoppervisors of the snoopervisors get paid a higher hourly rate than mere snoopervisors you know. Explain to your mum that you'll take it in the form of extra treats and I'm sure it will all be fine.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. What a handsome neighbor kitty! We hope it doesn't bother you to have him come by and visit your human.

  4. What magnificent stripes that visitor has! Sure do hope he belongs to someone. Enjoy the holiday with your mom.

  5. That was a very handsome visitor your mum met.

  6. What a handsome introoder cat. We bet he lives in the neighborhood somewhere. Happy Labor Day to you all.

  7. A very handsome one indeed. Reminds me so much of my old pal and brother Isaac.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.