
Monday, September 15, 2014

ManCat Monday

Cat rule: Don’t bite the hand that feeds you; just bite the one that won't feed you fast enough. 

Thanks to every cat that showed up for the house trashing. Mum did comment that the house seemed messier than  usual. We also give kudos to whomever yakked on the kitch-hen counter!
 When mum got home on Sunday, we watched the rest of the Packer game. Sitting on her if necessary to get our loves and treats.
Derby giving her the evil eyes, to get more treats.

So yeah, mum played with old racy cars, some of which she amembers from way back from when they were new, like first one below. It is a Formula V with a Lynx chassis. A kittie car!

 A paw print on the front.
  Some had a lynx head on their cars too.
Now the next ones mum did not see race when they were new, they are from before she was even born.But our UK furiends and their beans will enjoy these MG's.
Now the next is a Sunbeam, another UK car, but mum was told it has a super special engine. 
 Mum was told this engine is an engine from a Spitfire airplane from the WW II era! This car was not taken out on the track, it just was in the tent for showing it off.

 Feetsball Report

The Pack - well mum didn't get home until the second half. But when she started home The Pack was behind 21 to 3. But they came back and clawed their way to the front and won 31 to 24! Woohoo,

The Bronco's  - Mr Peyton won today too. Mum didn't see any of the game. 


  1. It's always a good idea to sit on your mum to ensure that she knows that she was missed and that she owes you big time!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I think your mom' car is THE MOST COOL !
    Paw print @ the front....Da BEST !
    Purrs Motor is on ;)

  3. What cool cars. We're glad your Mom got home early enough for you to get in some lap time before the weekend was over.

  4. Excellent idea; sit on your human to make sure you get what you want!

  5. That was a great house trashing! Those are interesting cars. My mum and dad used to have a Sunbeam but it was not as old as that. It didn't have an engine like that either!

  6. doodz....did we miss a week end trashin partee.....cranbereez... N dai$y hurled a grate hairball two...

    N we still rain soopreem ~~~~

    ND 30
    purdue..who cares !!!!!

  7. Our oldest boy was at the packers game with his fiancee & her dad. They posted a picture in front of the stadium. Our boy was even wearing a Green Bay shirt!

  8. A really long time ago, my mom's first car came from her brother-in-law, who had used it for racing. It was an MG, and the B-I-L swapped out the Lotus engine but forgot about the magnito, which regularly burned out half the spark plugs. It never went very fast on 2 cylinders. ;-)

    She didn't have it long.

  9. Mommy says your Mum has the COOLEST hobby!

    and...WTG Bears!

  10. Those are some cool cars!

    And that musta been Wally that yakked on the counter. He did that here last week and it went all the way down the dishwasher. Yuck.

  11. Sitting with the Mum is one of my favourite things.

    I think my mum should buy me one of those kitty cars, they are very nice.


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