
Monday, September 22, 2014

ManCat Monday

"One must love a cat on its own terms."- Paul Gray

Hohum, it is Monday. Mum is going back to day hunt after a long weekend. She took off on Friday, which was a marvelous day, warm and sunny. That also meant we had open windows during the day.

Sunday morning I had a good nap going on when mum came around with the flashy box. Plus she wanted to put the bed back together for herself. 

 Come on mum, I am resting here, you know we cats need our hours of sleep every day. OK I will move for a bit, but be quick about it,

 Good job mum. It didn't take you furrever to put the bed together, now I can get back to my nap.

 Plus we hung out with mum while she watched feetsball. The good news is she didn't do much yelling. The bad news is that the game wasn't that interesting to watch for us. I put my backside towards the moving picture box. Ducky snoozed on top of mum!

 Feetsball Report

The Pack - hope they have a good ventilation system at Ford Field, the Pack stunk the place up losing to Dee-troit. Mum is already thinking that this won't be their year. Next week is Da Bears.

The Broncos - well, mum didn't watch the whole game. Peyton did manage to get it tied so it went to overtime, but then The Broncos lost in OT.


  1. Derby and Ducky I have not seen you guys in furrever! Isn't it wonderful curling up on a freshly made bed, especially if you have a big Teddy Bear like you guys have.

  2. Looks like ya got some good nappin in.

  3. Glad to see you guys trying to get your mum involved in your naps - she needs to slow down and relax with you on the weekends.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. There nothing like taking a nap in a freshly made bed !

  5. We love that blankie on your mum's bed!

  6. Snuggling with your mom is worth a few games on TV! I left the house to get some shopping done, while the hubby and cats stayed behind to monitor eleventy millions games...sigh

  7. It sounds like you had a great three days of mom!

  8. It was a good day for napping, huh? Sure looked comfy there. Let's do it again today! Purrs....

  9. food gurl heer taked fry day off az well N we watched her werk in de yard while we yelled orders out de werk orderz...knot food orders...

    noe feetz ball for uz thiz week, they bee takin a brake !! ♥

  10. That teddy bear looks like a comfy place to nap on.

  11. Looks like you were catching lots of zzzz yesterday. Well done.
    Please let me know when you want to host Tockober next month.
    Thanks you two for stopping by and helping me celebrate my Blogoversary yesterday. Always fun to see and visit with you.

  12. What a great day you have :)
    You look bliss !

    Ps : never seen anyone use Teddy Bear like that :) ...cute !

  13. Derby, you look adorable, sleeping on top of the stuffed animal like that. How could she disturb you?

  14. Mr. Bear looks like SUCH a good sleeping buddy! Of course your Mum is great to cuddle with, too...

  15. We're glad you guys got a lot of snoozing in this weekend. Sorry 'bout your Packers...but we're happy our Lions won!

  16. We get annoyed too when TBT decides he just HAS to "make the bed" while we are on it. Usually, he relents. But sometimes he just pulls everything off and washes all the clothes. Well, then all the good smells and furs are gone and we have to start over again...


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