
Monday, November 10, 2014

ManCat Monday

We need a word for all the kitty-prints that are all over my windshield because the cats like to lie on my hood when the car is still warm. - Megan Coughlin

Mum won't let us out in the metal monster room, so we won't be putting our paw prints on mum's travelling monster.

Mum went out on Caturday night for her racy car group. They had the dinner in a car museum, which was sort of fitting. Mum took a few pics, but not many. Most of the cars were older than she was!
They even have old horse buggies, some really old cars and even an old John Deere tractor.
 We woke up on Sunday to see some of the white stuff on the house roofs, it all melted off quick.
 Mum went out and did chores right after lunch. She mowed the lawn and also crunched up the last of the leaves. Put away the outside chairs and all too. Says she is done with chores outside for now.
 What did we do during this time, what we normally would be doing,keeping our backsides warm on the heaty spot!

Feetsball Report

The Pack - Played Da Bears on Sunday night. First half, The Pack pitched a shutout. It was 42-0, seven possession, six touchdowns, all by passing. Second half, QB ARodg played for a bit, but then they let him rest. Result, The Pack beats Da Bears.

The Broncos - won again beating down the Raiders. Mr Peyton had 5 more TD's.


  1. Brrr! Sounds like the cold is on its way to you for real!

  2. It's a lovely sunny day here today, and there are still lots of leaves on the trees!

    You have worked out how best to spend your Mondays, Boys!

    The Chans

  3. I'm glad for your mum that all the outdoor chores are finished with for a while.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. White stuff, already? It's going to be a long winter at this rate, but that means extra indoor snuggling time with your human, right?

  5. But it is a part of cats' RIGHTS to climb all over the metal monster!

  6. We almost wrote and concatulated you and your Packers on the slaughter before the game was even played! We are totally disgusted with them.

  7. D & D...we canna haza feetz ball ree port thiz week with out shame...


  8. Glad your mum has finished her outdoor chores. Mum wants to get hers finished but the rain keeps coming and keeps us both indoors.

  9. We are having our first snowstorm today. It's heavy & wet and slippery. But the people got all their last minute chores done before it hit.

  10. I bet that yard work was done just in time! Stay warm, all!

  11. We hope the white stuff doesn't plan on coming here soon.

  12. MOL! TBTs car is in the garage. And WE are allowed in the garage. And we walk on the car. So TBT just routinely does the winshield wiper wash thing evry da as he pulls out.

    Iffen TBTs neighbors think he is weerd fer usin the wipers on a sunny day, thats HIS problem...


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