
Monday, December 15, 2014

ManCat Monday

There are many intelligent species in the universe. They are all owned by cats. - Anonymous

Yeah, we thinks mum is intelligent, she has us doesn't she?

Mum made good progress on the blankie, put back all the yarns she pulled out and started on the next bundle of yarn.
 Mum spread it out on the floor to check it out, getting inspected.
 Derby snoopervisiing her work, we gotta make sure she doesn't mess up again.
Ducky adding purrs, furs and love to the blankie. The person who will get it needs purrs and love.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - They lost to Buffalo, the team is now 0 for Buffalo having never won when they played in Buffalo. That would be 0 for 6!  It was an ugly game, no mum says it was a f-ugly game. Guys couldn't seem to catch passes they normally would have. ARodg throwing it to the wrong team and THEY managed to hang on to the ball.

Plus, we must have gotten the elebentyth string of announcers! What rock did they excavate them from? Yuck.
Bulaga and beluga is not the same! One is a whale, the beluga, from the arctic or sub-arctic oceans.
 ...the other is a whale of a guy! Mr Bryan Bulaga, tackle for Da Pack who play in the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field.
Off to the big championship game in the sky, from the glory days of The Pack in the 60's, Fuzzy Thurston. God speed Fuzzy.

The Broncos -The won, beating the gang from Sandy Eggo. Mr Peyton threw a touchdown, even though they said he wasn't feeling well.


  1. You think THAT is bad? You should be a Washington Football fan... It is gruesome.

  2. It looks like your human is doing a great job! Of course, she had YOU to supervise.

  3. That's going to be one wonderful blanket, with all of the care that your human put into making it and all of the purrs and love you are adding to it.

  4. Wonderful job of snoopervising that blankie!

  5. WE love all the hardwork that you put into these blankies, especially the furs and purrs.

    Happy Holidays.

    Emma and Buster

  6. Great team effort on the blankie.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. You are both doing a great job supervising your mum and the blankie.

  8. blankit ewe both haz been soooper vizin for mum iz way awesum.....we NOE de purrson who ree ceeves it iz gonna loves it !!! ♥♥♥

  9. Goode snoopervising on the b lankie, boyz.

  10. My momma made a fleece blanket yesterday - we all sat on it while she was tying it, MOL!

  11. Your Mommy's blanket is lovely! You kittehz are doing a great job helping her.


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. There's a LOT of love in that blankie!

    Mommy is despondent about the Bears. She's a Cubs fan too--you think she'd be used to it!

  14. R sad nezz over notre shame...we for getted ta post thiz message:

    hope yur christmas tree.....
    ree manez burd free.....

    sendin R card.....
    ee lect tron ick lee.....

    a verree merree Christmas.....
    a happee mew yeer two .....

    frum all oh uz in trout towne.....
    we loves ewe XXXXX


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.