
Monday, December 8, 2014

ManCat Monday

People that hate cats will come back as mice in their next life." - Faith Resnick

We are back to Monday. We had a pretty quiet weekend. Mum did her usual chores, made her batches of peanut brittle and did some errands and shopping. Including charity shopping. Seems she took tickets for a group that helps the homeless and down on their luck people. So she bought things that they need to help those people.

 Spending Sunday afternoon on the tower, checking was is happening outside.
 Mum moved the fevver bath close to the house so the heaty thing keeps the water from freezing. You can see her with her feets up here!
 Little birds and big birds, even getting their feets wet. One took a baff too!
Plus a non-fevver sneaking in for a drink!

Feetsball Report

The Pack - don't play until Monday night, so mum didn't watch mum if any feetsball. She readed her book on Sunday afternoon.

The Broncos -  They beat the Buffalo team, but amazing, Mr Peyton didn't throw any touchdowns. Must have had an off weeks. The Pack plays Buffalo at Buffalo next week. We hope they don't have feets of snow!


  1. Your human takes good care of the outside critters!

  2. May have to invest in one of those water heaters...sometimes, I have to use the broom handle to break the huge layer of ice off of the cat water bucket!

  3. Aw man, I wish we had a bird bath. We do't eve have a bird feeder anymore. The Woman got tired of the birds pooping all over everything :/

  4. Your mum has an excellent spot for watching the fevvers.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. mewve over ya crazed azz burdz...vizshuz squirrelz heer ta haza wee drink !!! ♥♥♥

  6. Those fevvers are grateful for the water heater.

  7. Peanut brittle? My momma says yummmm!

  8. The birds and squirrels must really appreciate having the source of water, especially as things start freezing over.

  9. your mom is da best giving you HD 3D view of the bird and squirrel tv.

    Emma and Buster

  10. How wonderful for your mom to keep the water from freezing for the birdies and squirrels.


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