
Saturday, January 10, 2015


A bit late, but finally here.  Mummy abandoned me on Thursday morning. Said she hoped to be back in one day, but it was two! I missed her.

She was off on a mission of mercy which included driving into a lizzard! Yikes. Mum said she has never done that afor and never wants to to it again. Said she must not have said enuf purrayers, but she kept praying and got where she needed to go in one piece. Also, that as she got where she needed to be, the sun came out!

Me, well, I just hung out, watched outside, napped etc. The house was all warms, enuf foods, water, but just missing mum.
 'Sploring the tower and showing mum the feeders all needed to be filled.
 Patio, all cleared, fevvers fed. Some nice elf cleared off the driveway! Love ya for that.
 Sitting on mum while she rested, said she is all tired from driving. They waited an extra day to come back since the roads were slippery.
 Yes mum, I am down on the low level of the tower. Even the ground level has a good view.
Selfie of me and mum. She does look a bit tired, we will need to get lots of sleeps tonight.


  1. Ducky, why didn't you have a (house trashing) party while Mum was away?

    Love your new banner, but we do miss Derby.

  2. Glad your mum got back safely from that lizzard Ducky. Give her lots of snuggles so you both get a good nights sleep.

  3. Fancy running into a lizzard. That sounds quite messy. It was good of you to look after yourself in her absence and ensure that everything was spick and span when she returned.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Glad your mom made it safely through the lizzard!

  5. We're so glad that your mum is home safe and sound, Ducky. We hope you both sleep tight tonight.

  6. Wow, it sounds like your human was out in very dangerous conditions! I'm glad she's home safe now, with you.

  7. Glad you and your Mum are reunited and she is home safely.

    Hope your Sunday is an easy one.

  8. Hope you both get some good sleeps and stay cosy and warm.

  9. Glad your Mom got back OK.
    We bet you missed her.
    Now you have a body to snuggle with :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  10. The new header is very nice. Glad your Mom got home safely through the lizzard. That's the green kind of snow, right?

  11. I'm sure glad your Mom got back safe and that lizard didn't bite her! We all loved that selfie!

  12. ai yi yi!! Winter driving is the pits!

    And...Mommy actually cheered for The Pack today!

  13. Dood, a house trashing woulda been such fun while she was away driving into lizards! Did she bring one home for you to play wif???


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