
Saturday, January 24, 2015


HiYa! Ducky here. Having a suntastic morning! Bright and cheery out! I like that, mum does too.
Mum already did all of her shoppings for the weekend. Stocked up on what foods we needed and then brought home something PINK.
Tulips and not from outside. Too cold for that, these came from the store.
 Checking them out as she first put them in the container in the kitch-hen.

 Mum then put them up by the clock, so then I had to check them out again.
Ginger and pink, yeah, they go together pretty good. Mum was happy just to see me sniff at them and not try to knock them down or eat them. Derby used to try to do both. So iffin I don't mess with these, maybe mum will buy herself more flowers when she wants.

 That is enuf checking them out. Got other things to do today.
 Like check out mum's brekkie, a strawberry, cream cheese filled croisassant. Mum said it was yummy.
Hope you get sun puddles to nap in today, I did. Enjoy the weekend.


  1. We like the pretty pink tulips too and you do look good with them ;)
    Mom likes that pastry too. She will get one when she does to the coffee shop sometimes :) Hope you got a piece.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. Such pretty pink flowers! Hope you are continuing to have a great weekend!

    Noodle and crew

  3. Ducky, you look so handsome next to mom's bea-ut-ti-ful pink tulips. Flowers always brighten up a room. I agree that ginger goes well with pink. Mom must be happy that you were so gentlemanly with the flowers & didn't bother them. New smells are always welcome, right?

    Mom's croissant sounds yummy, but I'll stick to stinky goodness for breakfast. It is a wonderful sunny day out West too. Kind of strange here weather wise. Mom said she saw crocus flowers about to bloom yesterday & the trees are budding. We didn't have any winter so far & nature thinks it is March already. Guess you can fool Mother Nature with global warming. I'm off for a snooze in a nice sun puddle now. Have a great weekend.

  4. The tulips are pretty, and those are both great photos of you posing beside them.

  5. You and tulips - a wonderful match up Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Must take time to smell the flowers and eat a strawberry, cream cheese filled croisassant.

  7. Very pretty flowers. And, we like the Van Gogh's, too. Especially the harbor.

  8. Pink and orange do look wonderful together!

  9. What pretty flowers, Ducky. We can't have real flowers here because Wally likes to either eat them or knock the vase over.

  10. Those tulips are pretty. Sadly, my human has yet to find a kitty that won't bother flowers.

  11. Ducky, Mommy says she wishes we were more like you! We loved your Q & A from yesterday.

  12. What a sweet boy you are and a lovely pic of you with the tulips!

  13. Tulips are Mom's fave so Dad bought her a dozen, only to learn they are toxic for cats! So they loved their lofe on top of a very tall doll cabinet out of Sage's reach.


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