
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger and Glimmer.
 Glimmer, get up! Quite laying around on the job, we have lots to snoopervise at this time of year!
 Leaves starting to open up on the crabby apple tree, soon the pink blossoms will come.
 The front with hiya-sinths and a few white tulips.
 Red tulips getting ready to be open!
Hosta plants just getting their noses out of the ground. Mum is checking to see what survived from what she planted last year. Most of it did, so that is good.
Mr Moon peeking through the tree branches, soon we will have leaves all the way out. Some of the trees are showing a bit of green.

Stop by on Caturday, Ducky will host our Derby Day party. Yeah, the big guy is gone, but we party on!

That is all for this week. Love, Virginger and Glimmer.


  1. Spring has sprung ! We love to see the photos of your garden ! Purrs

  2. Put the boot into Glimmer - get her up and working! It's a busy time of the year.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. MOL Glimmer is laying down on the job!!! It's great to see Spring photos!!
    The Florida Furkids

  4. Meowloz two ewe V & G...another grate ree port....we haza few startz N stuff startin ta show N be jezuz if de nayborhood harez knot all reddy eyein everee thing in site....

    we R gonna fix hiz wagon tho with sum babee powder sew well just see who eatz what thiz yeer !!!

    inn deed ~~

    haza grate week guys ♥♥♥

  5. Finally!
    You kittehz are behind us in Oklahoma. Everything is in full bloom here. Including allergies. Achooo!

  6. Is Glimmer OK? Do we need to send out a glass blower or something?

  7. It is so nice ta see yer Spring flowers now that ours have gone bye-bye. We dont have much annything this week.

  8. Spring is coming for you at last! Our mom has been a working fool out in our garden, ignoring us, but bringing in good garden smells on her.


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