
Saturday, May 23, 2015


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy Caturday and for mum and other in the US, we get a long weekend with Monday as the holliday.

We had a vishus deer alert this morning. Mum and I were watching outside in the back, along with the girls when we saw three, yes three, deers come through the naybors yard behind us. They went to the front yard, then probably a metal monster spooked them and they took off running to the east.  Mum says that is the closest direction to extra cover and woods. Glad I was inside.
Me sitting on mum as she tries to put this together! I did get off her boobities so she could see. Plus I have to hand her over to the girls outside. Mum has to dig holes for plants.

Happy weekend everyone.


  1. Too bad you can't help your human with the hole digging - it sounds like fun!

  2. Are your mom also digging holes for plants ??
    My mom have been digging lots of holes in her dads garden :)

  3. Crockett's momma had been diggin holes for plants too - until it started raining again!

  4. So glad you were inside indeed!

    Ducky you are really good-looking!

    Check out my cat blog for archived stories about the abandoned/feral cat colony I manage.

  5. Stay clear of those deer, Ducky! And have a fun weekend!

  6. We're glad you were inside too, Ducky when those vishus deers showed up

  7. Good watchman work with the vishus deer, Ducky. And while you're at the windows, looking out, I think you mum would probably benefit from your close snoopervision with the hole digging.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Well, we hope she is digging holes fer NIP plants. And Vishus Deer repellent!

  9. We're glad you were inside because of the deers, but we're sorry you cannot help your mom in the garden ! Purrs

  10. So sweet of you to let your Mom be in your selfie!

  11. OH yeah, you gotta be real careful with the vishus deer.

  12. Have a great holiday Ducky and mom!

    We bet she lubs all the help you give her at the 'puter. :)

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  13. EEEK.....vishus deer...that's skeery. Glad you were safe inside.

    The Florida Furkids


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