
Monday, May 18, 2015

ManCat Monday

Here lies a pretty cat: its mistress, who never loved anyone, Loved it madly... - Epitaph on a cat's tombstone

Guess we all want our beans to love us madly. I know mum loves me, she is so nice to me, makes sure I have toys, noms, lots of good places to nap or hide. Mum lets me crawl over her, sleep on her and even snuggling under the covers in the morning.

Me looking out the kitchen windows. There was an evil sqwerl out side messing near the flowers.
Mum grilled the first bratwurst of the season. She bought lots and put them in the freezy box so she will have more some time in the future. She only ate one, the other will be dinner one night this week.
Do you see me here? Short of hard to see in the reflection, I was sitting on the chair watching mum cook outside, in the rain, holding an umbrella!
Mum did a wider shot, me, Virginger and Glimmer too. At least that introoder cat didn't mess into the picture.


  1. In the rain? Now, that's what I call bratwurst dedication!

  2. You weren't just watching your mum - you were sitting, gobsmacked, at the silliness of beins.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. YUM!!! Our mom loves Wisconsin brats!

  4. Humans are weird that way, Ducky...we loves our kitties!

  5. Beans are funny aren't they Ducky? Cooking in the rain when all they need to do is open a can of stinky goodness, MOL

    Have a great mancat Monday!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. So all three of you were watching your mum cook in the rain.

  7. noe menshun oh mum cookin a few bratz for ewe...ya noe if her troo lee loved ya...her wood offer ya sum brats long side a helpin oh perch !!!

    { ya noe her DOEZ love ewe, but ewe can make menshun oh thiz just ta make her feel... guiltee }


  8. Your mommy grilling in the rain? Wow, she must really be craving for those wursts.

    Emma and Buster

  9. Grilling in the rain? We thought we were the only ones with humans that crazy!

  10. Dad had to get a new barbecue grill thing, our really really old one finally gave up and died. Mom thought about getting some brats at the store today, but the weather is so cold, she will save them for another trip. She bought a pot roast today. Winter food in May!

  11. Mmmm, grilled food! Did you get a taste, Ducky?

  12. I woulda tried to steal some of dat bratwurst.

  13. Did you get any of the bratwurst, Ducky? That woulda been cool.

  14. We loved that quote at the top and hope it will be applied to us some many years from now.

    And TBT says to try that braut with slow-sauteed red bell peppers on it fer sweetness...

  15. brats is good!! the mom let us have a bite once.

  16. And good thing that introoder didn't try to take that bratwurst! Hope you got to lick the plate!

  17. Did you get a piece of bratwurst, Ducky ? Purrs


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