
Saturday, July 18, 2015


Happy Weekend everyone. Me and mum are going to take it easy, the hots along with the humids are back!

I will be snoopervising mum in whatever she does and where ever she sits. If she is watching the moving picture box, just on the back of the couch. 
 In her reading chair in the back, I can hang out on the tower and look down on her or.....
 make sure she is taking it easy and sit on her to keep her in one place.
Mum has done stuff this today already. She refilled the hummer feeder and the sunflower feeder for the fevvers. It rained overnight so the seed was wet, and the hummer feeder was empty!

Mum is off to get her boobs smooshed and her toes painted. Guess I can nap for a bit.


  1. Good think your Mom has you to make sure she relaxes.
    That's important when it is hot!
    We gave a cooler period now as rain is coming to stay for a while :/
    Enjoy your Mom time when she gets back with pretty painted toes :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. More hot and humid weather, yuck. You look so comfortable and satisfied on your human mom's lap, Ducky.

    We figure the smooshing and the painting won't happen at the same place, but our human says that if they do, make sure they don't do things backwards. Smooshed toes sound painful, and, well...

  3. Can you believe we woke up to a thunderstorm here in southern California? That was quite a surprise... and not a good one for my human, since she left the hand vacuum outside and now it's ruined!

  4. Enjoy your day Ducky. We hope your mom's day goes better after the smooshing.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  5. Ducky it looks like you are doing a great job keeping an eye on your mom from every angle. We like the picture of you holding your mom down in her chair. You do a great job of making sure your mom stays put & relaxes. We have the hots today too. Our human wanted to make a peach cobbler, but now says it is too hot to turn the hot box on. She says she will go to Plan B where she will slice & freeze the fresh peach so they don't turn to mush in the heat. Then she can use them when it's cool enough to turn the hot box on. If you mom is going to get her boobs smooshed she must be going for a mammogram (at least that is the only thing we can think of where they smooches boobies). Hopefully getting her tootsies painted will make up for the smooshing experience. Stay cool Ducky!

  6. You are doing a good job keeping an eye on your mum. I hope you get lots more snoopervision time after she has her boobies smooshed and her toe nails painted.

  7. You be very very very nice to your mum when she gets home, won't you? She'll need a big hug.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Looks like ya got da snoopervisin thing down pat.

  9. Be nice to your mom when she gets home because the boob smooshing can hurt.

  10. We hope you and your mum had a nice Caturday, Ducky.

  11. Sounds like your day will be better than your Mom's!
    The hots are here in Oklahoma, too. Whew!
    Stay cool, furriends.

  12. We hope your mom could finally relax and enjoy a nice Caturday. Purrs

  13. You are clearly a most excellent supervisor, Ducky!

    The Chans

  14. Ducky dood, you got everything under control, we can tell! (ugh, humidity here too!)

  15. Have a relaxing weekend Ducky - it is raining here!


  16. We think things a good fer you right now. Fresh birdie-viewing bait is allus good.

    Our purrs fer yer moms boobbies...

  17. Very clever way to keep her right where you want her.


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