
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. Hot, then cold, then hot, get the idea. Can't we just have nice decent temperatures in the high 70's to low 80's? I think that would make everyone happy.

Good news. The first day lily bloomed! Mum says this one is called South Seas.
 Tuesday AM, front on view.
  Tuesday AM, side view.
These three are Tuesday afternoon. Another bloomed today and you can see more blossoms to come.

Mum is furry happy and can't wait for some of the other ones to open up. Then we will have more purrty pictures to share.
We just hanging out in the back yard. Watching the world go by. Oh yeah, mum, you really need to mow the grass!

Someone said they wouldn't get a mower with a governor, you can, if you buy electric. Otherwise that is what open and closes the throttle on a gas powered engine. Just so you know.

See you next week. Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.


  1. hay ewe gardenz lookin good, grate job on keepin things
    lookin sew good !!!! N de food serviss gurl hada lectric mower N her
    loved it; cept for when her waz knot payin a tentionz & her wood run
    over de egggstenzionz cording.....oooooooooopz !!

  2. Fabulous lilies.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Your Lilies are purrty. We used to have some but Mom's black thumb took care of that.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Your Lilies are purrty. We used to have some but Mom's black thumb took care of that.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Those are so pretty--well worth the wait!

  6. Pretty flowers! We agree about the weather. Some consistency would be nice.

  7. Excellent pics! We loved seeing the progress of your gorgeous lily.XOXO

  8. Lynettea says they used to have daylilies in the garden when she was young and living with her parents. They are very pretty.

  9. Gorgeous lillies! So far Mom hasn't killed our two container flowers.

  10. Beautiful! Our mom loves daylilies but our dad says you can only have so many. Still, she'd trade you some of her pretty fireworks red one for some of your beautiful one.


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