
Monday, July 6, 2015

ManCat Monday

Our words should be purrs instead of hisses. - Kathrine Palmer Peterson

Yes, wouldn't the world be better if everyone purred at each other, instead of so many hisses. Come on humans, think about. Let you words be tender, in case you have to eat them!

Me and mum had a nice weekend. Quiet, spent mostly at home. Napping, reading, cooking outside.
 Mum caught me back in the pod for the first time on Thursday. Yeah, it is too nice of a place to ignore as a nap spot.
 Of course there is mum's chair, that is always a good spot to hang out in too. I rarely get in this chair, but Derby used to do it all the time. Mum came back and wanted to sit, so.....
 I moved back to the pod. Close by where I can keep an eye on her, plus I get sun puddles in the afternoon too.
 Mum found three fevvers outside while she was cooking. She doesn't think they are dove fevvers, so not sure who left them. Maybe they are dove fevvers.
 What she cooked for her hollyday meal. A brat (yes I got some), corn on the cob, coleslaw and garlic and herb potato salad. Mum says the potato salad tasted good, but too much mushy mayo.

Hope all had a safe weekend. Mum heads back to day hunt.


  1. You've done it now - my human wants potato salad! Especially since she stayed at home with me on the Fourth instead of going to a party that she is positive had some.

  2. Glad to see you are back on your pod. Looks supremely comfy!

  3. I got to lick the tater salad bowl! Nommy! We didn't have brats though. Mama thought she bought some but she didn't. We had BBQ'd beast instead. Mine didn't have BBQ on it.

  4. Your pod looks very comfy ! Yummy meal, said Mum. Purrs

  5. but noizee....everee time we looked everee way...firewerks.....glad ya getted ta share sum mum time AND sum bratz !!! yum ♥♥♥ oh, N next time...tell mum to find another chair...ya noe !!!! ☺☺☺


  6. It's always good to have several favorite napping places.

  7. It's always good to have several favorite napping places.

  8. You look very comfy in your pod. The sun puddles make it extra good.

  9. I hope your mum has learned her lesson and won't wash the pod for a long time to come, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  10. I hope your mum has learned her lesson and won't wash the pod for a long time to come, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  11. That pod really does look comfy!

  12. That pod looks cozy and comfy :)
    Good that you got some of that brat!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  13. I'm glad you decided to revisit the pod, Ducky!

  14. Yums! (commenting on the good holiday meal, and the feathers that look a lot like our dove tail feathers). You have very comfy-looking nap spots!

  15. What a great weekend you had, Ducky. We've neve had brat. It sure looks tasty.

  16. Great napping spots Ducky...but your mom bean needs to be trained to share her chair. Well it works sometimes with our mom, MOL.

    Speaking of mom bean, she says that supper looks furry yummy! Especially the fresh corn.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  17. We agree that the world would be a much nicer place if more humans purred & fewer hisses were uttered. It always nice to have a favorite napping spot and then a few alternate snoozy places for when the mood strikes you or you need to change things up. Your pod looks super-comfy, we think we would prefer lying on your mom's heated lap, but at least you can keep an eye on her from your pod.

    Our human cooked brats on the grill for the 4th of July too. She says brats are way better than hot dogs. Us cats did not taste them, but they smelled awfully good. Tell your mom thank you for making the video of the fireworks without the scary loud noises. They were very pretty to see without us being scared of the explosions. We hid UTB while the real fireworks were going off.


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