
Monday, August 31, 2015

ManCat Monday

Cats are smarter than dogs. If you throw a stick, a cat will say, "You want it fetching, fetch it yourself!" - Sandy Parkinson

Hooray, mum got the settings right so this will post early in the day. Don't want to disappoint my Monday ManCat fans of not seeing my post.  
 Me and mum had a nice weekend. She got all her chores done, we had lots of cuddle time and she got two books all read! Plus she made something nommy for herself.
 Mini caramel rolls. Mix up the brown sugar, butter, corn syrup and milk and put in the bottom of the pan. Take refrigerated crescent roll mix, separate into rectangles, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Roll up, cut into little rolls and put in the pan. Bake and enjoy! Mum had a hard time not just stuffing it all into her mouth!
There was feetsball this weekend, we did not watch. It is only pre-season, but the pack didn't look that grate, but the good players didn't play much.

Happy week all. New month tomorrow!


  1. I think those mini caramel rolls would be awesome if you replaced the caramel with chicken!

  2. Since those yummy looking caramel rolls were mini, we are hoping you got to lick one or two.

  3. Those caramel rolls are making our human's mouth water. We don't get it though.

    Emma and Buster

  4. Looks like you and your mum had a good trial run for the coming feetsball season. I'm hoping that Australian Jarryd Hayne makes the roster for the San Francisco team.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Ashton says she would want to sample the caramel rolls.

  6. dood...all wayz nice ta haz chillaxin time with mum & if there bee any sweetz left...
    well, we can help kleen up that pan quik like !!! happee week a head ♥♥♥

  7. Mom likes those caramel rolls ;)
    We like Summer's idea!
    We love your handsome face too.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  8. Our mom bean says those caramel rolls look yummy and sound easy to make! We thinks we like Summer's idea better.

    Have a great week Ducky and mom!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  9. I think Summer has the right idea, although I would want tuna!

  10. Sounds like you and your mum had a pretty good weekend, Ducky.


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