
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Caturday - Happy Howl-o-ween

Yeah, it is Caturday, the end of the month, which means the end of TockTober. I know many of you have posted tock shots to help cellybrate the month for Angel Derby. Thanks, only 11 month until it will be back.
Mum got up purrty early today, has to go get her head furs trimmed off. It is raining today, so mum will be inside. Then later the kids will be by to get candy. Mum says I can stay back on the bed while the kids come around.

Mum has already been around the house and changed all the clocks that she has to change by hand. The rest jump the hour in the middle of the night on their own.

Happy weekend.


  1. Oh yeah, that's right - this is the weekend that we get fed an hour later. :-/

  2. Happy Halloween Ducky! Stay safe where the sticky beans can't get you.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    Pee Ess: We live where the clocks don't have to bean is pretty happy about that, cuz she's sure she'd furget a clock or two.

  3. We love that we're getting an extra hour to sleep. Happy Meowloween!

  4. I hope you told your mum how pretty her head furs looked after she'd had them trimmed.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Happy Meowoleen! Ducky, we see you dressed for Halloween as an angel.

  6. Looks like you're ready to "hit the hay" or maybe you're still waiting for that Halloween treat????

  7. Enjoy your extra-hour of sleep ! Purrs

  8. Hey Ducky Happy Halloween to you and Mom. Yeah I would be out of sight if we got the nippers here. Timmy and Furmily

  9. We hope you both survived Halloween, Ducky!


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