
Monday, October 19, 2015

ManCat Monday

Your cat will never threaten your popularity by barking at three in the morning. He won't attack the mailman or eat the drapes, although he may climb the drapes to see how the room looks from the ceiling. - Helen Powers

I haven't done much jumping to high places like I used to, so the pic is from a few years ago. I do like the look of the room from up on high!
 Mum got cooking again yesterday. She bought a super nice chick-hen and I got a taste from it too.
 I got my bit of chick-hen and mum put some in her soup. I don't get to have some of the soup cuz mum says its got onjuns in it.

 Feetsball Report

The Pack - Phew! It went down to the last seconds. The defense saved the day by knocking the ball away from a possible touchdown by the other team. Win they did, so still unbeaten and they get next weekend off.

The Broncos - pulled out a win in overtime. Mr Peyton was tossing to the wrong team, but they are still unbeaten too.

Stop by tomorrow, for a little cellybration of Angel Derby's purrthday. 


  1. Excellent that you got some of that chick-hen Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Hi Ducky! That looks nommy! :) I have joined in Derby's TockTober celebrations over on my blog, ciao, Austin

  3. You gotted real live deaded cooked chick-hen? Yummo!
    Our humans had the feetsball on tv all weekend, too. There was lots of talking to the tv! MOL!

  4. Good thing you got some of that chicken before it landed in the soup! The head peep thinks the soup looks pretty tasty, though.

  5. dood....we haz never meeted a chckn in R lives ...all 93,022 of em that waz soooper....stooooooooooopid...yes...sooooper...noe !!!!!!!!!!! ☺☺☺

  6. Looks really jummy with chick-hen , Ducky !
    Me like to go up high too :)


  7. That chicken looks nommy.

    We have a four-way 'tock show today on our blog. :)

  8. You is a lucky Ducky! Real live dead chick-hen!! Mom bean is mean and doesn't share hers.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


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