
Monday, October 26, 2015

ManCat Monday

Cats mean it when they kiss you.

Smoochies! I loves giving and getting kisses from mum. Not a day goes by when we don't smooch

 We had a lovely sunny Sunday. Our front windows catch the early morning rays and now that the the tree out front doesn't have leaves, it is even better.
Mum did a short video of me in the window too. Enjoy.

Feetsball Report

Nothing to report, both of the teams mum follows didn't play this week. Mum got other stuff done and didn't watch any feetsball. Next week mum's two teams, both unbeaten, will play each other on Sunday in prime time.

Have a good week everyone. 


  1. It sounds like you get a BONUS sun puddle in the fall, Ducky!

  2. Smooching kitties is the bestest thing, Ducky!

  3. What a sweetie. I (Emma) started smooching my human after five years of togetherness.
    Emma and Buster

  4. Fabulous video, Ducky - life doesn't get much better than that, does it?

    Sydney, Australia

  5. dood...we gived yur mewvie 984 paws UP !!!!! lotz oh actshun ~~ ;)

    noe feetz ball heer either....they taked a vacation day !!! ♥♥♥

  6. That's a sweet sun puddle, Ducky!

  7. You sure enjoyed the sunshine, Ducky.

  8. Pawsome scritches and sun puddle too Ducky!

    Mom bean watched lots of feetsball this weekend, her team played and lost (again). She also watches the guys on ice with helmets too. So there was lots of cuddling time for us....she's easy to pin down when she's watching guys with helmets.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  9. Sun puddles & lot of scritches - shear bliss for any feline. It looks like your mom give the best scritches around. The sunshine makes you look extra handsome Ducky (if it is even possible for you to be more handsome than you normally are). We bet you were happy mom didn't watch any football which gave her more time to give you lots of love & attention. Now that Fall is here, our sun puddles have moved from the bedroom to the living room so we can spend more time with our mom and she enjoys our company.

  10. We are lucky. We are pretty sure TBT knows what it means when we kiss him. And we do often...

  11. you know, I loves kissing mine the mom too - but does she love it back? Well, sometimes maybe, but sometimes I hear - stop licking my teeth, 53 licks in a row are starting to chap my lips. or the ever popular - stop biting my lips - you're too aggressive.

    Sheesh - try to love a woman and she just turns on you


  12. Ducky, you have one lovely sunspot and one terrific mom who gives you kisses! My Food Lady kisses me every day - I don't always kiss back but I am great at gazing adoringly!

    I hope that you and your mom can come over and see my TockTober pictures for Angel Derby. I know that you miss him like I miss my Angel China Cat.

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  13. That is some pawsome sunpuddle scritches from your Mom Ducky! Happy Tock-Tober!
    Marty and the Gang


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